GH Gro / Micro / Bloom nute useage Question


Well-Known Member

I found a post here where advice on how to use only micro and bloom without buying grow was given. the formula was:

5ml grow 10ml bloom during veg.

But that's all that was said. My first question is this:

Did they mean per gallon of water? I assume yes. I was actually told 8ml grow and 16ml bloom per gallon of water during veg. which is pretty close to this.

Either way, that seems to be quite a bit less than what is recommended for use on the bottles.

One other question:

I have all 3 GH nutes. Reading the bottles, it seems like their recommendations are high compared to what I've been told to use... Should i use the recommended amounts suggested on the bottles, or cut back a bit? I'd probably just go with what I've been told to use...

I really need some answers soon. My babies are dieing!!! :-( Any and all help will be so greatly appreciated!!! Thank you!!



Well-Known Member
I am using the GH line right now, instead of looking at the lucas method, lets deal with your statement "my babies are dieing"

What are they doing besides looking bad, give us some info and we can help. More than likely its not the nutes but give us a description, pics if possible.



Well-Known Member
Hello Captain Kush. Thank you for replying.

My babies are turning yellow, with brown spots and purple stems. But, I believe I now know why. I've only been using Micro Nutes (no Gro, or Bloom). I was incorrectly told how to use the Lucas Formula, which I just learned today. I was told to only use the Micro during Veg, and the Bloom during flowering, and given some very stupid directions. I was told to use 8ml / gal water of Micro during veg , and 16ml / gal of Bloom during flowering. I was not told that they needed to be used TOGETHER...I'm almost feeling sabotaged....From the very person I bought the clones....He NEVER once mentioned the lucas formula, or that the Micro and the Bloom must be used together.

It's no wonder my babies are all yellow and dieing. They aren't getting any of the macro nutrients.

My mistake though. I should have done the research myself, instead of trying to take a shortcut and listening to the advice of some one esle I'm not even sure I want to call a friend any longer...

any ways, I am now dumping all resevoirs, and will use the lucas formula. I've been going through hell for 3 weeks now trying to figure out why my plants won't grow and are turning yellow and brown....

I hope that they come back....I'm not sure they will, but they still look vigorous, so I hope so....

Thanks again Captainkush!!!



Well-Known Member

I can't believe that someone I call a friend, that I paid good money to for clones, would screw me over like this.

He's been growing for ten years. He knows better.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I'm getting.

I need to put on some 80's metal, roll one, and calm down. :-) Then, I'm going to tend my garden, and let it all go...



Well-Known Member
Hey snut,

Glad to hear you found your problem.

CK is right-----there are lots of very experienced dudes and dudettes around here-----the more specific you can be----means better help/advice.



Well-Known Member

I can't believe that someone I call a friend, that I paid good money to for clones, would screw me over like this.

He's been growing for ten years. He knows better.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I'm getting.

I need to put on some 80's metal, roll one, and calm down. :-) Then, I'm going to tend my garden, and let it all go...

Good Idea man, don't let bad advice get you down.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies guys!!!! It's good to see that there are people out there reading my posts and care enough to reply.

My girls have been taken care of, and now I just have to sit back and let them do their thing...

One last question though:

Like I mentioned before, the leaves began to turn yellow, and some of the more dead ones have brown spots (nutrient def.). There are some leaves that are dead/necrotic and I'm sure will need to be pruned. But, I'm wondering: Will the leaves that are yellow, but still standing strong gain back their color? Or will only new growth show signs of being better/same/worse?

I will try post some pics here soon.

Thanks again, all.



Well-Known Member
Glad you figured out the lucas formula, should work well for you. Leaves do not recover, the bad parts will remain bad, it 50% of the leaf is damaged then you can remove it.


Well-Known Member
Glad you figured out the lucas formula, should work well for you. Leaves do not recover, the bad parts will remain bad, it 50% of the leaf is damaged then you can remove it.

Thank you! That is good knowledge to know. The more knowledge I gain, the better my growing culture. Glad I found this site!!! :-)



I can't believe that someone I call a friend, that I paid good money to for clones, would screw me over like this.

He's been growing for ten years. He knows better.

The more I think about it, the more pissed I'm getting.

I need to put on some 80's metal, roll one, and calm down. :-) Then, I'm going to tend my garden, and let it all go...


Is the guy you got the clone off of a stoner? If so, try not to get too mad. He might have been too stoned to remember to tell you the correct info. I know I've been really stoned and I forget to tell people things. This especially happens at work :bigjoint:

Also, you really need to use all 3 parts for the GH line. If you read the ingredients on all 3 bottles, you'll notice that each of the 3 parts has their own specific micro nutrients. If you're skipping one of the parts, you're starving your plant of some vital micro nutrients.


Well-Known Member
petrol420 -> the Lucas formula covers this... you can grow strong healthy plants with the lucas formula alone... (although, i like to add some cal/mag supplements, i find the GH line is lacking in those)..

anyways good luck snutter...


petrol420 -> the Lucas formula covers this... you can grow strong healthy plants with the lucas formula alone... (although, i like to add some cal/mag supplements, i find the GH line is lacking in those)..

anyways good luck snutter...

Yeah but snutter was asking about the GH line since that's what he's using. snutter only mentions Lucas formula because his guy gave him Lucas instructions for GH nutes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but snutter was asking about the GH line since that's what he's using. snutter only mentions Lucas formula because his guy gave him Lucas instructions for GH nutes.

Exactly. basically he told me to use just the micro, without anything else. At first my plants grew ok, then all of a sudden, yellow leaves, brown spots, and almost NO growth what so ever...... They've been like this for almost a month while I tried to figure out what was going on. That's when I finally stumbled on to the lucas formula and realized he'd only given me half the instructions...

Oh well, I got it now. I have 5 of my girls running on the lucas formula, and one of them running with the GH micro and Gh gro nutes mixed together. I want to see if I can detect any difference.

My main concern is that my girls have been stressed out for so long, lacking nutrients, that I don't know if they will come back or not. They haven't died, and still look vigorous, so I have hope. I just changed them all over yesterday, so I'm hoping to see some changes in growth within a few days... If not, I'll have to clone and start over.

Thanks for replying to my posts!



Exactly. basically he told me to use just the micro, without anything else. At first my plants grew ok, then all of a sudden, yellow leaves, brown spots, and almost NO growth what so ever...... They've been like this for almost a month while I tried to figure out what was going on. That's when I finally stumbled on to the lucas formula and realized he'd only given me half the instructions...

Oh well, I got it now. I have 5 of my girls running on the lucas formula, and one of them running with the GH micro and Gh gro nutes mixed together. I want to see if I can detect any difference.

My main concern is that my girls have been stressed out for so long, lacking nutrients, that I don't know if they will come back or not. They haven't died, and still look vigorous, so I have hope. I just changed them all over yesterday, so I'm hoping to see some changes in growth within a few days... If not, I'll have to clone and start over.

Thanks for replying to my posts!

I highly recommend that you use all 3 parts of the system. I don't know if you read what I said earlier but all 3 have different micro nutrients like calcium, magnesium, etc...

Also, the instructions on the bottles say to add the FloraMicro into the water first, stir well and then add FloraGro and FloraBloom.

And I highly recommend that you filter your water. I tried using tap but whenever I would premix some nutes and let it sit overnight, this crusty layer formed on the top layer leading me to believe that there's some nasty shit in the tap. After filtering using a Brita, I could let the nutrient solution for days and it would still look crystal clear. Also, tap is usually high in calcium and when you add the FloraMicro, it overloads the nutrient solution with calcium which is bad for the plant.


Well-Known Member
I highly recommend that you use all 3 parts of the system. I don't know if you read what I said earlier but all 3 have different micro nutrients like calcium, magnesium, etc...

Also, the instructions on the bottles say to add the FloraMicro into the water first, stir well and then add FloraGro and FloraBloom.

And I highly recommend that you filter your water. I tried using tap but whenever I would premix some nutes and let it sit overnight, this crusty layer formed on the top layer leading me to believe that there's some nasty shit in the tap. After filtering using a Brita, I could let the nutrient solution for days and it would still look crystal clear. Also, tap is usually high in calcium and when you add the FloraMicro, it overloads the nutrient solution with calcium which is bad for the plant.

I did read what you wrote petrol420. I would never not read a post on a thread I started and asked for feed back. :-)

Anyways, what me and the other guy are saying is that using the Lucas Formula, you don't need to incorporate the GH Flora Gro. You can use just the Flora Micro and the Flora Bloom for veg and for flowering... Never having to buy the extra Flor Gro nutes. The reason being is that Micro and Bloom provide each other with everything they need, cutting out the Gro.

Search up the Lucas Formula thread. It's very interesting. And from what I can tell people have had great success from it.

However, I am also going to take your advice. I now plan on running half my plants using the Lucas Formula, and the other half using the GH 3 part system (Flora Micro, Gro, and Bloom) using the recommended amounts. I need a good baseline to start with for when I decide to try other techniques down the line.....after I get MUCH better at growing of course.

It's funny. If growing this beautiful plant was easy, everybody would be doing it. But it's really not that easy. Not if you want to turn out quality smoke. And thats my number one goal. :-)



I did read what you wrote petrol420. I would never not read a post on a thread I started and asked for feed back. :-)

Anyways, what me and the other guy are saying is that using the Lucas Formula, you don't need to incorporate the GH Flora Gro. You can use just the Flora Micro and the Flora Bloom for veg and for flowering... Never having to buy the extra Flor Gro nutes. The reason being is that Micro and Bloom provide each other with everything they need, cutting out the Gro.

Search up the Lucas Formula thread. It's very interesting. And from what I can tell people have had great success from it.

However, I am also going to take your advice. I now plan on running half my plants using the Lucas Formula, and the other half using the GH 3 part system (Flora Micro, Gro, and Bloom) using the recommended amounts. I need a good baseline to start with for when I decide to try other techniques down the line.....after I get MUCH better at growing of course.

It's funny. If growing this beautiful plant was easy, everybody would be doing it. But it's really not that easy. Not if you want to turn out quality smoke. And thats my number one goal. :-)


Hey, it'll be interesting to hear the results of your experiment. Keep us posted.

I'll have to check out the Lucas Formula method but I doubt I'll deviate much from the instructions GH gives on the bottle. I'm a by-the-manufacturer type of guy. I like to follow the guidelines they set for their products. For instance, my car's manual states that I should change my oil every 7500 miles for normal driving. I've been doing that and my car has 190,000 miles on it and it runs like new.


Well-Known Member
I'll have to check out the Lucas Formula method but I doubt I'll deviate much from the instructions GH gives on the bottle. I'm a by-the-manufacturer type of guy. I like to follow the guidelines they set for their products. For instance, my car's manual states that I should change my oil every 7500 miles for normal driving. I've been doing that and my car has 190,000 miles on it and it runs like new.

Interesting analogy.... However, I'd like to say this: If you were to use the new pure synthetic oils, you could probably go 10,000 miles without changing. And the synth's are proven better for your engine. :-) I guess what I'm saying is that there's always another way to do things, and some of those ways just might be better, and save you time/headache's in the long run. :-)

Having said that, if you have a system that you're happy with, and are getting results that stoke you, then hell yeah. stick with it.


Well-Known Member
Yea but your car manual is made for your exact car, GH 3 parts is made for plants, not MJ specifically, the Lucas formula is made for MJ, so it should be more accurate. Also look at all the manufacturers that recommended to change the oil every 3k, when most cars will go longer on an oil change. 2 things manufactures care about is covering their ass and making money.