gf doesnt like me growing...


Well-Known Member
quick answer is.... if she is being that way now it probbably will not last long, soooo......
shut ur grow down wait about a month then dump her... then start your grow again.. good luck with her!!


Well-Known Member
Why would you dump a chick you love because of a grow. Next time my plant let's me stick my dick in her I might change my opinion. Sounds like a bunch of middle schoolers on here that haven't seen a pussy since they were squeezed out of their moms


Well-Known Member
Try to get her involved in the grow, but in order to do that take an interest in something she likes that you normally wouldn't first.


Well-Known Member
If you truly believe its ok to grow.. and YOU want to.. you shouldn't let somone like your girlfriend to tell you what to do.. if it was your wife thats a different story... 2 must agree.

Put her in her place.

Or just nicly convince her.. :)


Well-Known Member
Why would you dump a chick you love because of a grow. Next time my plant let's me stick my dick in her I might change my opinion. Sounds like a bunch of middle schoolers on here that haven't seen a pussy since they were squeezed out of their moms
my feelings are if she doesn't know me well enough to not come between me and my garden, then i'm doubting the "love". "sticking my dick in her" is not to be confused with love.

to answer OPs question - i think it depends on why she doesn't like your garden. If she doesn't like it cause she doesn't like smoking pot - well .. you have some serious thinking to do.

if she is concerned about your well being and the jeopardy growing weed puts you in - then she has a legitimate gripe and your going to have to talk it out with her.

if she is jealous about you calling your plants your girls - treat it as the joke it is (if it ain't a joke then run for the fucking hills cause that's just fucking creepy... at least to me).


Well-Known Member
Hi guys in my imho you need to think about who you are and what makes you happy. If its her then its easy, stop growing. I on the other hand have been smoking for ummmm 28 years and im not going to stop. I also smoke way more than I want to spend my money on. I have left more than one relationship cuz my smoking suddenly is A problem, not to mention growing. I smoke pot. Love me love me smoking.


Well-Known Member
if she enjoys the fruits of your labor she should not complain, but if not then any one
whos not down with it dont really need to know all that info, those closest to us know everything we DONT want people knowing. having said that what she dont know wont hurt her lol like you said out of site out of mind


Well-Known Member
First question you have to ask yourself; "How do I feel about this woman and where do I see it going"? If there is a future and depending on how she feels about the garden and smoking weed, you may need to re-examine the compromises that it takes for a serious relationship. If there is no future; my advice is to walk away from her now. Get out while you can, but make it friendly. No reason to make it a battle.


Well-Known Member
some times I call '' MY GIRLS '' my house plants.

If growing is more important to you then don't stay with her. If she's more important then make a day and time where just you and her sit down and talk about it and see what her point of vew about them is.

My female friend knows about my girls and well her and I like eachother alot and she's cool with me growing because that's some thing that I have an intrest in and she even wants to find a place with her and move in and she even told me that I'm aloud to continue growing if I want to


Well-Known Member
my feelings are if she doesn't know me well enough to not come between me and my garden, then i'm doubting the "love". "sticking my dick in her" is not to be confused with love.

to answer OPs question - i think it depends on why she doesn't like your garden. If she doesn't like it cause she doesn't like smoking pot - well .. you have some serious thinking to do.

if she is concerned about your well being and the jeopardy growing weed puts you in - then she has a legitimate gripe and your going to have to talk it out with her.

if she is jealous about you calling your plants your girls - treat it as the joke it is (if it ain't a joke then run for the fucking hills cause that's just fucking creepy... at least to me).
your right, i guess i was making certain assumptions since he said he trusted her with his life. it would be hard for me to trust a chick with my life if i didnt love her (or even if i did). and since he trusts her with his life i also assumed they were living together, which could just as easily not be the case, but if she was she would have a legitimate say in whether or not dude man should grow. girl would have to be a straight 20 on a 1 to 10 scale for me to even entertain the thought of not smoking weed though.


Well-Known Member
your right, i guess i was making certain assumptions since he said he trusted her with his life. it would be hard for me to trust a chick with my life if i didnt love her (or even if i did). and since he trusts her with his life i also assumed they were living together, which could just as easily not be the case, but if she was she would have a legitimate say in whether or not dude man should grow. girl would have to be a straight 20 on a 1 to 10 scale for me to even entertain the thought of not smoking weed though.
not sure if i'm right or not but thanks for the kind words. i think your instinctual prioritization of people you love over your grow was spot on. :joint:


Well-Known Member
what i did is i let herhelp me grow, she did pretty good with it
hey maybe he has a good idea, maybe you should see if she wants to grow some of her own maybe let her take care of a few of your own plants show her how to take care of them and once she getts the hang make some clones for her to grow her own way to show that your willing to show her the experince


Well-Known Member
haha spot on sir. i think the real solution would to be to just give dr. phil a call. im sure he'd have a ball with this topic. i dont think ive ever seen a bigger douche in my life than him.


Well-Known Member
My gf is the same way. She doesn't smoke, and doesn't really ever plan on it even though I try to get her to. So she doesn't like the whole idea. She is pretty opened minded and mostly tolerates it so I am lucky I suppose. I have to agree though, if your gf is upset about you growing, I would try to pay more attention to her, and I bet her thoughts will be focused on other things.


Well-Known Member
haha spot on sir. i think the real solution would to be to just give dr. phil a call. im sure he'd have a ball with this topic. i dont think ive ever seen a bigger douche in my life than him.
lol that's soo true, he might do that one


Active Member
I didnt tell my girl i started growing.

But if it really bothers her you can always tell her you stopped... and then keep growing..

if she asks why you all of a sudden stopped you can make up a story about all your girls turning into boys. then tell her you would rather please here and stop growing.



Well-Known Member
I didnt tell my girl i started growing.

But if it really bothers her you can always tell her you stopped... and then keep growing..

if she asks why you all of a sudden stopped you can make up a story about all your girls turning into boys. then tell her you would rather please here and stop growing.

or they turned into a hermi


Well-Known Member
I didnt tell my girl i started growing.

But if it really bothers her you can always tell her you stopped... and then keep growing..

if she asks why you all of a sudden stopped you can make up a story about all your girls turning into boys. then tell her you would rather please here and stop growing.

i question if lying is part of a healthy and loving relationship.


Well-Known Member
i question if lying is part of a healthy and loving relationship.
to me no and if he realy does love her but he wants to keep growing he should sit down and talk to her and say how he feels towords her and such and he does want to continue growing and if she's not cool with that don't grow or brake up with her and say why