Getting Your Pet High Too? ?

sorry man, had to... it was just one of those perfect moment things, and i went down dick ave. towards phallus dr...

all in good sport though buddy :D
Its cool.

I'm kind of anal about that shit and have been known to correct others grammar before.

Funny thing is I actually have dyslexia. I managed to complete school, score very well on the asvab and complete a structural engineering program in the military. Completed an associates in electronics. All in spite of it.

I suppose all the proof reading made me anal about it.
I have a female cat that doesn't beg for it or anything but if you give her a shotgun she accepts the smoke takes a few deep breaths then goes and cleans herself. she has recently become a 100% inside cat and when I smoke the past 2 weeks she has started to try to get my attention and wants to play, maybe she just wants a toke =).
First off I don't get my cat high, he gets himself stoned. By sitting in the circle raising his nose up and sniffing hard. Funny tho once in awhile he will mistake cigarette smoke for weed and when he smells that he don't stick around. His reaction is like yours our mine he eats and usually takes a nap. LoL

I never thought of the effect on them. I guess they look funny.
IMG_8613.PNG Well I recently moved An had made a batch of cakes well I couldn't eat them all An some went hard so I threw em to the sqirrels they loved them
Our one cat liked weed. He would be on my lap the moment he hears me take out the weed.
Also had a corgi and lassie that went batshit if I smoked in the garage without letting them in.
Its cool.

I'm kind of anal about that shit and have been known to correct others grammar before.

Funny thing is I actually have dyslexia. I managed to complete school, score very well on the asvab and complete a structural engineering program in the military. Completed an associates in electronics. All in spite of it.

I suppose all the proof reading made me anal about it.
If you use chrome, just install Grammarly. You will look semi-educated.
I actually had a friend who's brother left his 1/8th of weed laying on the coffee table. Her 5-6 month old (at the time) German Sheppard / Lab mix ate the entire bag. A few minutes later he was so lethargic, and he wouldn't move at all. When we picked him up he moved like a rag doll... We got him up and he vomited violently 4-5 times. We gave him water and let him sleep the rest of the night checking on him every few minutes. He is now a little more a year old and very healthy but won't even come near the smell of weed.
After seeing that I personally would never give my dogs anything with THC in it.
Helllllll naahh

Mann how the fuck you get your pets high!!.? I got a boston terrier, she's like my daugther. If someone fuckin give her weed i swear to god he will eat with a damn straw.

How the fuck ppl intentionally give weed to their dog, its like a part of the familly its like giving weed to a kid man this post wrong!!

I had a cat when I was in my late teens early twenties that would hope up onto my bed when I had a sesh. Never blew some in his face but he would move closers and sniff when I exhaled.
Also I have two dogs now and one will keep away while we sesh up, the other one is happy to sit on the couch and get room stoned (it's a small room).
The little s**t stole a cookie out of my jacket pocket without me knowing. Couldn't figure out why he was so chilled. Was worried about what it might do to him but he was ok. Still likes to join us.
Medicating your dog is one thing but getting it stoned because you think they like it is another.Happy well taken care of dogs are on a natural high,my dogs get "high" when I take them hiking or swimming.That said I had a German Shepherd that had D.M. and I used to give him a quarter peice of a cookie at night made from a straight Kush butter,it chilled him right out I could tell he was relaxed and happy.Dogs can have green outs ,so please be careful if giving your pet edibles ,I would only do that for medicinal purposes only.
My black Lab trims my plants in the greenhouse every time she goes out there, she is very healthy.