Getting Way Too Tall


Well-Known Member
so I'm growing 5 plants of 3 different types. 4 of them are basically the same height. However, one of them is nearing 6 ft tall (and its a complete surprise as it was probably only 2-3 ft before I sent it into bloom). Every few days I have to keep raising my growing light (600w hps). well, today I raised my light to as high as it could go after noticing light burn on my tall plant. The light is now 2-3 ft away from the tops of the rest of the plants and probably 8" or so from my tall plant. The problem is where do I go from here? The tall plant is 2 weeks into bloom... it has hopefully extended to near its max height minus the main bud.

I can't raise my light any further. My plant is nearing the light and starting to get burned. what do I do? should I just move it aside and let the top of the plant overshoot the light? Should I tie it down? I've never tried to tie down a plant... could that be a solution? if I tie down does that effect the yeild? Any suggestions?

sidenote: also, I got sick of not knowing what I'm growing and not knowing what difficulties (how tall a plant will get) i might expect... so I bought some aurora indica seeds. Anyone know anything about them? specifically strength.


Well-Known Member
Tie it back away from the light, I do it all the time.
In cases where she hasn't stretched yet I bend the main stalk (super crop) but it sounds like all you are going to need is about 8 inches or so. By the way, the light does not have to be over them to finish them, just helps.


Well-Known Member
so I just went down to my grow room and checked the 'bendability' of the tall girl. If I bend her, basically in half, she is the height of the rest of my plants. I guess I should tie her down... and then after that I can lower my light to a foot or two above the canopy. again though... does this effect yeild?


Active Member
so I just went down to my grow room and checked the 'bendability' of the tall girl. If I bend her, basically in half, she is the height of the rest of my plants. I guess I should tie her down... and then after that I can lower my light to a foot or two above the canopy. again though... does this effect yeild?
it will increase your overall yield if you are able to drop the light back down for the rest of the girls.


Well-Known Member
hey white bear! anyway... I just went to check on it and the stalk has snapped from bending it. its still in tact, but snapped. what do I do now?


Active Member
ouch!!! idk too much about that.... what iv been told it to just bind it and let it heal....some told me they use string some say they wrap tape around it...itl take a lil time but u didnt completely tear it off, so i have faith ur lady will follow through...


Well-Known Member
so its taped now and back to standing at a proud 6ft. I guess in another wk or two (when the stem has healed some) I 'll try to tie her back down... this time with less tension.


Well-Known Member
oh no! did you bend her stem too far?? Next time, get that bitch under control a little earlier, because after you switch to 12/12, the plant may still stretch up to Double it's size. Cheers


Well-Known Member
so its taped now and back to standing at a proud 6ft. I guess in another wk or two (when the stem has healed some) I 'll try to tie her back down... this time with less tension.
I broke a stem doing this before. You have to read this, and pay attention... BE PATIENT! tape her up with the appropriate bandage concept, but remember not to touch it for 2 weeks. it's a real pain in the ass to wait so long but, the junction will not be as strong as the original stem, EVER


Active Member
I just had the same thing happen to my girl but she did not snap that bad because I noticed it right away. She basically had two tiny drops of water coming from both sides of the bend so I released it and used so foil tape to just add support. You state to use the appropriate bandage, what is appropriate? I didnt know what to put on so I grabbed the first thing I had laying around.
I broke a stem doing this before. You have to read this, and pay attention... BE PATIENT! tape her up with the appropriate bandage concept, but remember not to touch it for 2 weeks. it's a real pain in the ass to wait so long but, the junction will not be as strong as the original stem, EVER


Well-Known Member
so... here's my new plan. I have the broken and splinted tall plant somewhat off to the side (the cola is no longer directly under the light but half the plant still is). I have lowered the height of my light to 1-2 ft above the other plants. in another 2 weeks I will re-access the situation. will this delay harvest? if so, will it delay it above the break? or both above and below the break... i.e. whole plant