Getting too tall issues

I have two or three plants that are getting too tall(3 inches from lights) so i've moved them 8 or so inches away from the hood itself and have been turning daily, basically the top is no longer getting good light. I already bent and tied one of the tops about a foot from the top(i don't want to do this to all of them because i don't have light/space to have a 12-18 inches of plant shading the rest of the plants underneath). They are pretty much done stretching(almost 3 weeks of flower). Am I going to kill my yield if i topped the other couple plants or should i just do whatever i can to try and tiedown/restrain in whatever kind of way i can at this point. Any tips/suggestions will be appreciated. FYI, i have already bolted the hoods to the ceiling with fireproof material in between the hood and 2x4's to be safe, so i can't raise the lights anymore. The only other thing i could do with lights is move them onto the walls and put them at a slight angle towards the middle of the room(about 10x10 with a 1000 and 400 right now, but lights would be 4-5 feet from center of room obviously and i think that's a little far from what i've read/been taught. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
topping should be your last resort that shouldve happened before flower your best bet is either LST or LSTbongsmilie
yeah i always do top before flower too. I swear i did something right this time though because they blew up compared to my last two runs. I always put them in flower when they are a certain height and i had never had height issue, these just exploded the late first and entire 2nd week of flower. I'm not complaining about that though haha. I guess i'll just have to do a lot more rotation of buckets and rearranging the buckets the rest of this flower to make sure they all get their fair share of light. I guess i've had worse issues to deal with than something growing too fast.


Well-Known Member
i rarely top anymore and never before flowering. i just started them in flower today and well, i'm pretty high and was looking at this thread and decided turn the lights back on and top all of them. they were averaging 2.5 feet and i know how big they get in flower so i thought wtf.

this should be interesting.
yeah the ones i'm having to die down are 6ft give or take a couple inches. I dont' top right before flower, i mainly a week after planting rooted clones into 1gal pots, just to get 2-4 main trunks, then i do it usually once towards last couple weeks of 5-7 week veg time usually. It's not hard to die em down, but if you can imagine a good 18 inches of the tops of a few plants getting bent over it becomes a pain the ass trying to arrange them. That's probably a good move to top yours too, that's about how big mine were when i put them. I went ahead and topped a few for some new clones last night as well just to be safe. Guess i'm getting better at this :) it's nice to have to make adjustments for a good reason, not another problem.