Getting too high


New Member
Hey, so recently I've gotten back into smoking... I've smoked on and off for nearly 8 years and had to stop a few years ago due to it giving me negative side effects from heavy smoking all the time. I bought a gram of some unknown weed yesterday and my guy gave me 1.1 as he's a cool guy - The problem is... It's way too strong, like really fucking strong, maybe some of the strongest weed I've ever seen and I'm not exaggerating. It blew my socks off last night and it nearly gave me a massive panic attack I got that high not meaning too, must have been high for 8+ hours off one joint!

It's really, really dense, covered in orange hairs, perfect bud structure, absolutely stinks and it makes a layer of crystal at the buttom of my grinder after grinding it up due to the insane amount of trichomes (Don't have a crystal catcher) - Has anyone got any recommendations on how I should maybe smoke this stuff? I've tried putting not even 0.1 of this shit in a small rollie cigarette skin and it still gets me monged out like I'm on opium laying on a straw mat in a Chinese opium den lol
Yeah man, I ain't joking... I smoke it purely for medical purposes these days and don't like to get completely monged out, which this stuff does with not even 0.1 for me haha
I have the same as I have got older.... just take one hit at a time. I use a vaporiser and literally take one hit and that's me done. I'm not 17 anymore and dont enjoy being fried like I used to
I have the same as I have got older.... just take one hit at a time. I use a vaporiser and literally take one hit and that's me done. I'm not 17 anymore and dont enjoy being fried like I used to
That's what I've been doing, rolling it up into little single skins mixed with baccy with a sprinkle and taking a couple puffs and leaving it - Usually my dealer doesn't get stuff this strong as I try to avoid it and smoke the more 'weaker' weeds to relieve anxiety without getting really high lol
Some strains do cause anxiety, especially in people that have anxiety issues. I use to be able to smoke anything and everything, all day long, but can't any more....It takes the fun out of it when smoking causes panic attacks!

Next time, tell your dealer you want something mellow and relaxing.
That's what I've been doing, rolling it up into little single skins mixed with baccy with a sprinkle and taking a couple puffs and leaving it - Usually my dealer doesn't get stuff this strong as I try to avoid it and smoke the more 'weaker' weeds to relieve anxiety without getting really high lol
I get a bit of anxiety, not a daily smoker. Picked up a dynavap m and havent overdone it much since. Much easier to dose even the higher strength strains.
CBD counteracts the anxiety part, most strong weed had it breed out. And a joint of current grade stuff? I would be laying in a dark bedroom in the dark asking for it to please end.
Some strains do cause anxiety, especially in people that have anxiety issues. I use to be able to smoke anything and everything, all day long, but can't any more....It takes the fun out of it when smoking causes panic attacks!

Next time, tell your dealer you want something mellow and relaxing.
Yeah I've found strains that are super potent seem to give me anxiety these days, I just have to microdose it with barely even half 0.1... :/
That's what I've been doing, rolling it up into little single skins mixed with baccy with a sprinkle and taking a couple puffs and leaving it - Usually my dealer doesn't get stuff this strong as I try to avoid it and smoke the more 'weaker' weeds to relieve anxiety without getting really high lol
Do you smoke tobacco normally? If you don't... stop adding that shit... just do pure
That's what I've been doing, rolling it up into little single skins mixed with baccy with a sprinkle and taking a couple puffs and leaving it - Usually my dealer doesn't get stuff this strong as I try to avoid it and smoke the more 'weaker' weeds to relieve anxiety without getting really high lol
Stop the baccy mate. Get a vape.
Just get a little 1 hitter and take little hits.
I have asthma so I have to take a bunch of little baby hits off my J when I smoke."
Bottom line is you dont have any tolerance and youre going to have to kinda deal with it to some extent while you build one up.