Getting Too Cold? Purpling Buds - pics

Hey everyone, first time grower and I have a temperature concern. I can't trust my temp sensors because they radically disagree with each other. This morning one read 59 and the other 66(the more expensive one read 66). Anyways, she's in day 25 since the change to 12/12 and I am seeing lots of purple in my plant, mostly nearer to the bottom. Is it abnormally early to see this much purple? I don't know the strain, but the seed did not come from stuff this purple. I read that you can bring out purple by bringing the tempurature down, so this only leads me to believe that indeed have too low of night time temps. I'd really appreciate some info.

top most cola
photo 3-2.jpg

secondary cola
photo 1-4.jpg

lower colas(most purple)
photo 2-2.jpg

2'x2'x4' reflective tent
500 watts of CFLs
Jack's Bloom Ferts & Molasses - 1L/day @ 500ppm
MG soil

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I am not seeing purple....I do see some nice buds, first grow? Congrats!

would love to see the whole plant, what are you growing in?
thanks a lot. I'm growing in MG soil in a 3 gallon pot. the camera doesn't do the color justice. the tops are okay really, it's the bottom ones that are purpling up fast. here's another pic where most of the calyxes are purple
photo 4-1.jpg


Well-Known Member
Beautiful Girlie!
post a full view of her.
The purple has got to be in the strain, you may be bringing it out with those temps.

I think its a Good Thing to keep the temp at 69-70 if possible.
(I can't....)


Well-Known Member
Dude, dont fuck with that too much cause its not doing too bad. Temp is a little bit on the low side. Mid 70's is ideal but thats hard to maintain in this kind of winter for some growers ( like me)
Whats your humidity like?
For CFL's thats not too bad. The lower temp might be slowing you down some but it looks like your girls adapted to it OK.
Ride 'em out cowboy !! Looks good.
Ive had humidity problems for it's whole life. It has been around 25% it's whole life. My humidifier does a better job of making puddles on the floor than humidifying.


Well-Known Member
I agree, she looks awesome. I do see the purple...also agree that it is the strain phenotype. Don't mess with her too much...keep up the good work :)


Well-Known Member
Low temps and phosphorus deficiency is common . This could be why the purple.
Or it could be the strain like these guys have already stated.

Herb Man

Well-Known Member
Get another temp gauge and another humidifier.

In the meantime the plant looks fine, 62 lights off temps are fine.