getting tall

this is my first time growing and im confused on why there are so tall. the seeds were some bag seeds btw. the girls are about 5 ft tall. im using a 1000w hps. the light is about 15 inchs away. it stays around 78 day 69 night and around 50% hum. they are also 3 weeks into flrowering. they are geting pk 13-14 mix. i see alot of white hairs everywhere but no bud forming. when is it going to start to bud cuz there geting to tall....



Well-Known Member
well they might be a long flowering strain,so just be patient.has anything happened that could have stressed them,like light leaks when lights are off?if not then everything should be fine,so just be patient like i said.

newb weed grower

Active Member
at first i immidiately thought his light isnt close enough then i read and it seems all fine exept maybe ur 69 degrees thing but thats not too bad either i bet there just waiting to freak out with bud growth
i hope this gos well for u

chuck taylor

Active Member
no need to worry your all good just keep in mind they can get 2 to 3 times there size when in flower lookin good btw.


Active Member
Just generally: they all stretch for the first 2-3 weeks of 12/12 (~double in height). Sativa dominant plants stretch for longer and likely will triple in height or more. There are exceptions of course. But you'll likely see the vertical growth slow way down any day now and bud formation should start to increase instead.

They look pretty good, esp. for a first time grow.


Well-Known Member
yea they are naturally stretching and soon will stop and start to fill out...temps at 69 arent going to make it stretch..and its not that bad at all!


Active Member
Keep an eye on the leaves closest to the bulb - if they start losing their green coloration and start yellowing (or worse, burning) you'll have to tie the tops down a bit.

newb weed grower

Active Member
also if u dont know towards the end of your grow ur bottom leaves will naturally yellow a bit its all ok when that happens know its fine


Well-Known Member
also if u dont know towards the end of your grow ur bottom leaves will naturally yellow a bit its all ok when that happens know its fine
this is not true and is not natural...the reason as to y they yellow up later in flower is becuase its using alot more nutes and if they are being underfed...wen leaves yellow that means that the plant is not getting what nutes it needs from the it takes it from its leaves...the idea is to keep them green! my plants stay green untill the end! as this is what we should push for...i feed more towards the end of the flowerin stage as the plant is lookin for more nutes! this will result in simply better bud and yeild!!

newb weed grower

Active Member
its only not true if ur a noob man
i know for an exsperienced grower but hes not
so as i said hell probably see that
rasta u should hae caught on to what i was saying all the same its always good to call anything sounding like bs


Well-Known Member
its only not true if ur a noob man
i know for an exsperienced grower but hes not
so as i said hell probably see that
rasta u should hae caught on to what i was saying all the same its always good to call anything sounding like bs
this is very tru and i wasnt meanin no disrespect neither...jus was informing...but yea i mean once u get the environment down first then u can move on to advanced nutes e.t.c.

happy growin everyone! keep em green :)