Getting seeds

Attitude seed bank and seedsman are the only 2 I've ever used. They dont accept mastercard however so make sure you either have a Visa, Zelle, or cryptocurrency to pay with.
Will they send to all states?
but my advice is get yourself a safe addy = remote mailbox
then you can check it at your leisure and be assured no other family/neighbors members snatch your gear
Last time I checked it was like $20 for six months for a small one
$20 is cheap for peace of mind
I recently had a Seedsman order shipped to the states, would highly recommend them! I paid with Mastercard, maybe something changed.
I recently had a Seedsman order shipped to the states, would highly recommend them! I paid with Mastercard, maybe something changed.
I ordered with seedsman a few days ago and they would only take Mastercard from me lol. Maybe things have changed.
Will they send to all states?
what state do you live in?

i live in Hawaii ordered twice now from GYO both orders came in without any huge problems. company is in the states but i think they also serve outside to i think EU? i heard bad stories about that though because they tend to be more strict on cannabis i think it was EU or UK don't remember one of the two. other then that though i only order about 5 seeds max nothing insane plus my freebies they come in pretty secured doesn't say much on the package it's just a yellow envelope with the seeds in it and says its from amsterdam that is when i purchase via stealth shipping as well which i think now it is automatic so the extra fee is already added on.

biggest issue i've gotten with GYO though is they never seemed to send me my tracking number despite i qualified for one. it either comes in on time 7 days after it was approved of course or 1-3 days after the 7 days. no issues otherwise seeds already germinated and good condition imo, prices fairly decent, seeds always came in, etc..

not promoting them they are just the only seedbank i;ve bought from. i was hesitant to buy online in general cause my state has some pretty damn strict laws pertaining to plants and animals being imported and exported due to overpopulation of that species and then destroying natural ecosystem. ( as if people haven't already brought in fucking invasive species to Hawaii or that were destroying our own fucking ecosystem already ) my state is pretty dumb in that sense but yea they are pretty strict on it but never had seeds seized yet.
I just ordered through Attitude, paid with Visa over the phone. However they wouldn't accept the same visa when I tried online, I had to call
purchased those seeds and finally got them from 00 seeds through seeds man and they threw 16 total, 10 peyotecritical and 6nl auto
I recently completed a purchase of seeds from Seedsman. I ended up doing check by mail but my payment was confirmed and I should have my seeds by 12/5 at the latest and I'm in the states. It was frustrating on my end but their staff was amazing the whole way through. I have not received product yet but from their customer service I would recommend them.
I have good luck with True North and Dr. Seeds.
Seems to me I have read somewhere that GYO is locate in the UK, just set up to appear if it is in the U. S. I have going to order from them but all I read was bad reviews. Too bad, the have a great website and great selection.