Getting seeds in from amsterdam to germany then to ireland?

Ok i need some help here.... I'm not sure on how to get some seeds back to my home as i want to grow :weed: I will need to get seeds in amsterdam and then go back to germany then fly to ireland so i have no idea how to get them back please help me out here :joint::hump:


Active Member
repack them into baggies or summin make them smaller seen as the packages are big i guess
mabe put them in ya phone take the battery out


Well-Known Member
Ok i need some help here.... I'm not sure on how to get some seeds back to my home as i want to grow :weed: I will need to get seeds in amsterdam and then go back to germany then fly to ireland so i have no idea how to get them back please help me out here :joint::hump:
Honestly bro; getting seeds on a plane or sent by mail really isn't that difficult. Seeds are so small, they are often not even visible on the xray machine. I don't know that I would be smoking ganja constantly with the same clothes i'm taking on the plane. But wash all your clothes before packing, so your clothes don't reak of ganja and set off any LEO Canine, and just hide them somewhere really good, improvise and be creative. You'll be surprised how easy it was.

Whatever you do, don't get on the plane feeling nervous, because that only makes you look nervous and makes you look suspicious. When you're in the airport, the best thing to do is to say to yourself, "I've already made the decision to bring them", and being nervous will do nothing to help this situation at all.

Nobody should ever be nervous about making such a decision. Make your decision now, and then walk through the airport knowing you've already made your decision, and that there's nothing you can do about it; regardless what happens.

But yeah; i've smuggled plenty from Mexico & Canada. It was myspecialty back in the day. A young white male isn't profiled much.

Keep your chin up with a small smile on your face, and do the damn thing. Keep us updated too = )


Well-Known Member
Either way you would have it though. I received my seeds from the Netherlands behind the black stuff in a CD Case. It was really exciting, so you could mail it and probably have decent results, but I would probably put it in your cell phone carry on luggage, or your check in luggage. Those guys at the check in are really just looking for bombs anyway, so make sure you don't have a whole bunch of metallic items in the bag that you put it in.
well i have to go to germany first then go to amsterdam for a day buy seeds go back to germany and fly to ireland so im not 100% sure on bringning my phone with me so i might put it in my suitcase in a pocket of a jacket or somthing :)
Put the phone in your checked luggage--if you carry-on, they'll turn the phone on to see that it's indeed a working phone, not a bomb. No battery+won't go on & they'll look further.:o