Getting seedlings to sprout


Well-Known Member

I want to start my second grow but am getting a bit frustrated!

I have germinated 3 seeds and placed them in damp soil under the lights (as I did with my last grow, no probs) but they do not seem to be coming through.

Why are they not showing themselves? Should I prehaps get a humidity dome?

Any advice welcome! Thanks :roll:


Well-Known Member
so they have germinated?....

how far down have u planted in soil? it will take a couple days to sprout. have u watered them in?


Well-Known Member
its been 8 days, planted bout an inch & half down. soil was damp when i planted and kept it that way with a spray bottle.


Well-Known Member
damn bro 8 days?
if you take a peek at my plants they are barely even that old from germination
Maybe they got damaged or are stuck somewhere in the soil or medium you are using.
I would say time to be doc pot and carefully open your soil or medium up and replant the guy so he is facing the right way. Pictures would be nice if you can. Good luck, and be careful. Get some more advice before trying this as I never had to do this. But damn 8 days and no sprouts??????? Somethins wrong.....
-Mister Nice GUY