Getting Searched


Active Member
Does anyone here get searched on a regular basis? I just talk to an officer who arrested me fro possession on Thursday and he let me go, but said he was going to search me when ever he saw me from now on. We all know the police departments are the number one cause of broken laws, and this doesn't seem very legal to me. Does anyone know if an officer can search you based purely on your past?


Well-Known Member
I guess being caught with marijuana would be probable cause? Be thankful he didn't bust you

P.s. Probably smoking your weed and will want more

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I do not consent to any searches


Of course the example citizen is wearing a puka shell necklace :lol:


Active Member
the laws are dif in ireland but when i was 18 i got searched and caught with 8 e's when it went to court i got a strike out because the search was illegal the had no reason to search me


Active Member
I have heard of the flex your rights but I also know that the ex-narc who started that movement as you could call it is American, and therfore it would be American laws. I would religiously use those facts if it did also work for Canadian laws but I dont know if it is.