Getting Ripped


Well-Known Member
So I've been planning here and I think that even in a LEGAL environment I wil be subjected to the same bullshit that the black market suffers.

The difference being a lower risk of injury/death in a ripoff situation and a greater ability to pursue legal third part reclamation resources.

First off. Fuck lawyers. I'll take the hit and never deal with you again. Why would I put on the table what I wasn't willing to lose?

Secondly, trust is earned in personal experience and increments. If, in the end, you rip me off, what you have done so was never greater than the personal gain I recieved from the relationship.

I was never one to trust a piece of paper outside my monkeysphere anyway. I also don't see a need for society to require lawyers, technology and abusive blue uni's to establish a >monkeysphere society of function anyway.

Far more valuable than any single transaction is the ability to know whom you can trust in the future.