getting rid of grow trash


Active Member
i never realised but everyone as this problem so its funny 2 see what every one els'e does !! lol,, local park last time for me next time im'e not to sure, aint got a garden so the gr8 dig a hole idea is out for me,, !

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
basically i'm wondering if i can put a bunch of water in the bucket with some chemicals and turn the branches into some kind of goop, and then just chuck that outside among the weeds
muriatic acid used for pools and cleaning concrete ,one gallon should do .after you get done dilute it with water, this should work IDK

mine go into my compost heap along with the soil


Active Member
use as much of the "waste" as you can making hash, teas, oils, etc...once its completely processed and looks like a pile of green shit, it shouldnt smell...dry it out and get a 30 dollar camp ground fire pit for your back yard...throw some twigs n branches n shit in it and spark her special smell to the fire if its processed and nothing but ashes left
thank you i was beginning to think no one was gonna suggest making concentrates...


Active Member
basically i'm wondering if i can put a bunch of water in the bucket with some chemicals and turn the branches into some kind of goop, and then just chuck that outside among the weeds.
i just noticed this was in your first post of the thread...please dont just dump a bucket of chemicals outside...especially some kind of chems that eat up organic matter...this is really bad for the environment and could screw up the whole area where u dump...that shit will leach right into the ground bro...chems should be dumped into your sink so the water/chem mix gets treated before it goes back into the environment or gets not tryin to preach or tree hug or anything but i had to say somethin


Well-Known Member
why hasn't anybody mentioned actually disposing of your trash at the dump? I rent a uhaul truck, pack that thing full, drive to the dump and drop it off myself. It's pretty cheap, and avoids you littering, or illegally dumping your trash. Cmon folks...


Active Member
u seriously have a uhaul truck full of stems and leaves n shit after a grow??!?! holy crap many freaking plants do you harvest at a time?!?


Sector 5 Moderator
Strip the leaves, bury them at the edge of your property in a shallow grave. Chop up the sticks and toss them with the rootballs somewhere inconspicuous. I would not take the risk of hauling it to the dump. I mean, who is going to comb your property looking for sticks and roots from pot plants?


Active Member
I'll just leave this here. It's the first result when you Google "How to tell if my neighbor grows pot".


Active Member
^ That pdf is anything but a 'fact sheet' Marijuana is not a chemical and never should be used in the same context. Marijuana addiction is not phyisical. Anyway, im with the guy who uses everything possible, that means there is no 'waste'.


New Member
this thread reminds me of when i herd of these ppl were trimming the guy threw all trimmings and stems in fire place not realizing the smell outside once neibiours smelled it they called the cops :)) guy was busted


Active Member
why hasn't anybody mentioned actually disposing of your trash at the dump? I rent a uhaul truck, pack that thing full, drive to the dump and drop it off myself. It's pretty cheap, and avoids you littering, or illegally dumping your trash. Cmon folks...
dude how much waste cud one have that u wud need a uhaul dump truck ? lol,


Well-Known Member
I just use my normal trash can. Nobody is going to waste time and money to go thru my trash. I'm just not that important. Black trash bag and into the regular trash can .


Active Member
Make a compost heap in your backyard.
Dry it out and burn it.
Rent a wood chipper and turn it into mulch.

There isn't much in the way of chemical processes that will destroy plant matter quickly. Cellulose is tough to break down, the bacteria in a compost heap specialize in this. After a week the material will be unrecognizable.

IMO you are worrying too much. If the cops are on your property looking for stuff then they likely have a warrant already and they will find your grow. If they do happen to be in your yard for some other reason (this did happen to me not long ago ) they aren't going to pay attention to a pile of rotting weeds especially if you cover it up with other stuff.

I just throw my stuff in the trash on the day they pick it up. I don't see the cops picking through my trash to try and find a small grow.


Well-Known Member
sometimes i'm really careful when i throw stuff out, sometimes i'm not. i like to keep all the leaves etc laying out until they are dried up so there's no smell. i crumble them into dust. i then throw them and the cut up stems into those garbage bags that are used to control odor, and throw this bag into a bag of normal garbage, making sure nothing has my name/address on it. i then wait until the morning the garbage guy comes by to put them into the big can. they are in the can for about an hour.

getting rid of 50 gallons of soil is a bitch i bag it all up and just throw out a few bags at a time! pain in the ass!


Active Member
I've got a section of my yard with a lot of ivy/vines that I dump old soil into. For rootballs and stems I'll break them down with my hands and throw them in an old coffee grinder and again, just dump it outside. I just hold onto my shake in brown paper bags and eventually a friend will take it off my hands. Why, I really don't know, but it saves me from dealing with it, heh.