Getting Rid Of Cats

Two excellent ways to deter cats include 1) motion sensor water sprinkler & 2) scattering lemon & orange peels around the area in question. If all that fails then you have no option but to get a guard dog, possibly two or three depending on the severity of the problem :)
So if it's Lemon-Haze, problem solved ? :)

Can't do any of those but the fruits things.. but not sure they'll work :(

Wait a minute, coke has them all !
This cat thing sucks. My neighbors have , Im not kidding I counted 12 cats the other day. Most of them unfixed and fucking and fighting and have shitted and pissed all over my yard to the point of where it stinks like hell. They have damaged the other neighbors car very badly climbing on it and scratching it. These are low life neighbors/renters but I continue to be nice as to not upset anyone and jepordize my outdoor opportunities . I have spoke to her about it and she realizes it is an issue and says she will take care of it and has fixed a few cats but my yard is still a kitty box for her cats and her Fing chiuwauas always running lose.
I have thought about poisoning them but like Veggie said, this day in age will get you some bench time. Shooting them is not an option in the city... lol How is this fair ???????

I love animals just don't have cats. More of a dog person . But folks weather it be dogs or cats should probably only have no more than 2 or 3 and should be fixed and contained. With that said, My dogs have caught her cats in my backyard and I have saved the cats every time from sure death. ???? why ? because that's just me.

My option that I have not gotten around to yet is putting a deposit on a cat trap at the humane society and trapping them and turning them in. Law abiding and humane.
When i say put coffee grounds down i don't mean a little dusting i mean cover the ground with a 1/2" layer for this to work.

my wife is trying this now but wait til I tell her it's a 1/2 inch. It will take for ever to collect that much at the 8 cups I might make every once in a while. lol
How much does a cat-death-trap costs you said ? :)

That's a lot of coffee
Yes i know that's why i said get it for free from the coffee me if you pick it up from them you will have so much,1/2" will be easy to do. I never said anything about a cat death trap..........
my wife is trying this now but wait til I tell her it's a 1/2 inch. It will take for ever to collect that much at the 8 cups I might make every once in a while. lol

Just ask your coffee shop/Starbucks in your town for the coffee grounds, they will be happy to give them to you. Some place will even store it for you until the end of the week.
Yes i know that's why i said get it for free from the coffee me if you pick it up from them you will have so much,1/2" will be easy to do. I never said anything about a cat death trap..........
lol was joking about the death trap..

You meant used coffee ?

Wouldn't I be that weirdo guy asking them for basically their garbage ?
lol was joking about the death trap..

You meant used coffee ?

Wouldn't I be that weirdo guy asking them for basically their garbage ?
ok ok lol.... not at all.. most coffee shops have signs posted about free coffee grounds for your garden. Every time i go to ask for them,they seem happy that i came to get them...
ok ok lol.... not at all.. most coffee shops have signs posted about free coffee grounds for your garden. Every time i go to ask for them,they seem happy that i came to get them...
yes cause you prevented them from taking out the garbage, did their job :)

lol never seen anything like that in here
This cat thing sucks. My neighbors have , Im not kidding I counted 12 cats the other day. Most of them unfixed and fucking and fighting and have shitted and pissed all over my yard to the point of where it stinks like hell. They have damaged the other neighbors car very badly climbing on it and scratching it. These are low life neighbors/renters but I continue to be nice as to not upset anyone and jepordize my outdoor opportunities . I have spoke to her about it and she realizes it is an issue and says she will take care of it and has fixed a few cats but my yard is still a kitty box for her cats and her Fing chiuwauas always running lose.
I have thought about poisoning them but like Veggie said, this day in age will get you some bench time. Shooting them is not an option in the city... lol How is this fair ???????

I love animals just don't have cats. More of a dog person . But folks weather it be dogs or cats should probably only have no more than 2 or 3 and should be fixed and contained. With that said, My dogs have caught her cats in my backyard and I have saved the cats every time from sure death. ???? why ? because that's just me.

My option that I have not gotten around to yet is putting a deposit on a cat trap at the humane society and trapping them and turning them in. Law abiding and humane.

I feel your pain , being a landlord of 17 rentals i know the type of trashy neighbors your talking about , the kind who use bed sheets for curtians in the living room yet can afford 2 dozen pets & refuses to have them neutered or spayed , if i were you i'd go to a TSC Hardware or Quality Farm & Fleet & buy a couple animal traps for about $30 apiece & start trapping them then dropping them off at humane society , neighbor will have to pay a fee to get the cats back & humane society will sterilize them before sending them out .

Even though i despise house cat's i know their owners love them so i'd never poison one to kill it because it's a horrible horrible way to die but i also wouldnt rely on just one trap , the cat's will see the other cat's being trapped one at a time & wont go near the trap after you get 1 or 2 of them , i'd get several traps & bait them with liverwurst , it works way better than tuna , i wouldn't put alot of stock in the neighbor doing anything to fix the problem & is most likely blowing smoke up your ass to appieze you , cat owners who allow their cat's to prowl outside the home are well aware of the breeding they do & routinely joke about their tom cat's needing to get some , their also aware of the damage the cat's do to others property , just the fact they own 12 pet's & allow them to prowl tells you they aren't responsible people , it seems like the poorer people are the more pet's they have .

Start trapping then right away & let them know you plan on setting traps & taking whatever you snag directly to animal control , maybe then they'll keep the cat's indoors 24/7 .
great to live in the country. with extra time on your hands, and your girls in sight from a window, 5.56 works great on cats. no offence veggie, i own an indoor cat that i love very much, but she doesnt encroatch on other peoples property, and this is the sole job of the owner, get your pets under control, period. if you cant control them, the owner of the property has every right to do so, after all its their land that they paid for. your cat's name isnt on my deed. if your gonna molest either my grown food or grown medicine be prepared to reap what you or it sows. its like farms that grow beef getting cleaned out by cyotes and wolves, federal laws state you can kill anything that destroys your harvest, including bears without a dont want your cats hurt? keep them the fuck out of my garden, its your own ignorance that puts them in harms way.
Steve French:

You will only bring bad karma and possibly Dexter-like psychos if you harm other peoples (or any) animals. Treat the kitties right, and they will treat you right.
We live out in the country and those worthless pieces of crap that own un-neutered cats in the city routinely drop off the kittens out here where they can starve to death or become food for one of the many predators. I would shoot the S.O.B.s who drop em off if it weren't illegal and I caught them. I have seen and rescued emaciated kittens covered in fleas and it is heart breaking. We always get them fixed and try to find GOOD homes for them where there are responsible ADULTS (there are many over 21 that have never grown up).
As far as the coffee grounds go, my mom always dumped her grounds and eggshells in the planters by the front door when I was a kid and y'all are right, none of our cats ever went near there, they always went in the back. It never occurred to me that it was the coffee grounds. My dad drank a pot a day as do I now and there were plenty of grounds in a weeks time.
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