getting prepared for my first outdoor grow next season


alright so i'm getting ready for my first outdoor grow. i know whats key here is fertilizer. I'm figuring that if i go to a local plant shop i can find some good fertilizer that isn't infested with those time release pellets and if i can't find the right npk mixture i'll just try and use some organic stuff to bring up the right levels. maybe some inorganics but they can get expensive. i've got some good spots and i'm thinking about growing about 20 plants at least. i plan on doing this for personal use and profit. Is there anything someone would like to suggest to help me out?


Well-Known Member
If you're doing it in a business sense, figure out the business side of it before you even grow. As to what you'll need? As long as it's not miracle grow you're pretty well set. Most organic fertilizers will work well for marijuana, personally for outdoors I would recommend a liquid based one. Lowe's has a good selection if you don't want to go to a specialty store.


Well-Known Member
i used miracle grow and my weed turned out alright on my first grow...

it's not the bow or the arrow, it's the indian... buajaja!


If you're doing it in a business sense, figure out the business side of it before you even grow. As to what you'll need? As long as it's not miracle grow you're pretty well set. Most organic fertilizers will work well for marijuana, personally for outdoors I would recommend a liquid based one. Lowe's has a good selection if you don't want to go to a specialty store.
alright. well i think i've got the business end worked out pretty well. i'm keeping notes of what i put in. and all the people that helped me out with seeds are gonna get some free weed out of it the first go around. and that will bring more customers. and i'm starting on bag seed which i have plenty of along with some kush and purp seeds. and thank you for the help with ferts too:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
get broken bags of soil and manure from Home Depot fot a buck a bag. Mondays is your best day


get broken bags of soil and manure from Home Depot fot a buck a bag. Mondays is your best day
that sounds like a good deal haha. too bad i don't have one in my town. i don't mind goin out of town to get it though


Don't forget the real possiblity of stone head critters, like rabbits attacking your plant/s as they grow. I ended up loosing 2/3rds of my potential crop to rabbits before finally putting up chicken wire. This was for an outdoor Sativa grow in Central Florida.
ahh. yea i'm working on that as well. i've read that you can prevent alot of animals by peeing around your crops. haha. and another method being placing strings around the area to spook animals. my main fear is with insects