Getting off the grid

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
does this not completely depend on the productivity of the land and the anticipated or expected growth of the individual species of cattle ur are raising. Supplemental feeding aside - one acre per cow is quite productive land. Range land in western canada say fescue grass versus neddle and thread grass. huge differences in the capacity of that land to support rangefed cattle. :peace:
rule of thumb is one acre per cow,(good quality pasture) thus I supplement feed 6-8 weeks before butchering as it will make the meat more tender. grass fed up to butchering still makes good tasting meat, also no steriods or antibiotics makes good eating! anyways


Well-Known Member
Good for you bro I hope to be able to do the same ASAP, but to really be off the grid that would also mean no more internet and goodbye to posting in RIU. Would require a few months adjustment period I imagine.
Have no fear I'm running off of that verizon wireless modem and can even get online Call of Duty to play ok(my favorite game!) Yeah it definetly takes a few months to get used too, its no cake walk. I didn't even have running water for about my first 8 months, but slowly things come together.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
Have no fear I'm running off of that verizon wireless modem and can even get online Call of Duty to play ok(my favorite game!) Yeah it definetly takes a few months to get used too, its no cake walk. I didn't even have running water for about my first 8 months, but slowly things come together.
Wireless connect card?...Sweet! I've been wondering if living off tha grid and using one of those would be feasible, obviously it is. Imagine a future where everyone not living on the grid is essentially a fugitive, would'nt the use of a laptop with a wireless modem be a means of tracking you? Just wondering, but still good for you at least for now that you could be off the grid, but still maintain some connection with the modern world.


Well-Known Member
Wireless connect card?...Sweet! I've been wondering if living off tha grid and using one of those would be feasible, obviously it is. Imagine a future where everyone not living on the grid is essentially a fugitive, would'nt the use of a laptop with a wireless modem be a means of tracking you? Just wondering, but still good for you at least for now that you could be off the grid, but still maintain some connection with the modern world.
I'm sure all that can be tracked nowa days. But it is nice not coming home to watch TV, everything that the media wants to pump into you. If I want to watch a show I look it up on


Well-Known Member
living off the grid , i hope u like work cause it will be from sunup 2 sundown everyday allday , tend tha garden , feed tha chickens , milk the cows , plow tha fields , plant tha fields , harvest tha fields , all by mule and plow , pick fruit and vegges , can the stuff , smoke or salt the meat, build and repair fence , make ure clothes and grow a beard. Wait !! Just become amish ..

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I'm sure all that can be tracked nowa days. But it is nice not coming home to watch TV, everything that the media wants to pump into you. If I want to watch a show I look it up on
HULU hunh? They've got some creepy commercials. The one with Alec Baldwin is particularly creepy. Talking about some plot to take over the world through television and eating people's brains...I don't know, but weird. It's almost like it's not even an advertisement, but more like a declaration of creepiness. I don't know, I'm high and rambling, pay me no mind.


Well-Known Member
living off the grid , i hope u like work cause it will be from sunup 2 sundown everyday allday , tend tha garden , feed tha chickens , milk the cows , plow tha fields , plant tha fields , harvest tha fields , all by mule and plow , pick fruit and vegges , can the stuff , smoke or salt the meat, build and repair fence , make ure clothes and grow a beard. Wait !! Just become amish ..
It is a lot of HARD WORK! I don't make my clothes but........I think I got a beard goin on lol. I dont tend to "fields" just a garden that provides for me, but you can expect to put some work in everyday(and I've had to work in 100+ heat as well as -0 weather .In the heat you can mostly just relax if you want but when its below 0 with no end in sight for the snow storm and your running out of firewood, you need to get your ass in gear and do what you gotta do. I'd still rather work for myself than have to wake up every morning and work for the MAN.


Well-Known Member
It is a lot of HARD WORK! I don't make my clothes but........I think I got a beard goin on lol. I dont tend to "fields" just a garden that provides for me, but you can expect to put some work in everyday(and I've had to work in 100+ heat as well as -0 weather .In the heat you can mostly just relax if you want but when its below 0 with no end in sight for the snow storm and your running out of firewood, you need to get your ass in gear and do what you gotta do. I'd still rather work for myself than have to wake up every morning and work for the MAN.
I would assume there is a great difference in the satisfaction one gets from the work done. What satisfaction can one have for working ten hour days punching a clock following a list of company policies? Tending to your garden or building your own shelter would be very rewarding in my opinion. How long do people expect wal-mart and target to keep providing for their needs. All it takes is a panic and the shelves are empty before sunset. As for TV and the internet, I would like to kick the habit. I will most assuredly post incredible grow journals when I grow the finest crop, haha.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Good for you bro I hope to be able to do the same ASAP, but to really be off the grid that would also mean no more internet and goodbye to posting in RIU. Would require a few months adjustment period I imagine.
Not quite. I have no land line phone or on grid power. Satellite internet, solar setup for power, small gas generator just in case the sun hides for a few days. Off the grid is doable and when you factor in the low cost of the off the grid land vs on the grid property you can put some of the savings toward alternative energy products.


Well-Known Member
very interesting thread. interesting for me from a couple of perspectives.

First, as a biologist, I have spent many weeks and months living in very remote places. Though I had the security and safety of infrastructure to get me out if and when I had to. But living in the woods is a very attractive in a variety of ways.

Second, I am becoming more and more pessimistic of the world. I always wondered why my dad was so interested in isolating himself from the rest of the world. He used to say (as a physician) I took care of other people problems for more than forty years, I don't need to listen to them now anymore. In this way, and in the way he did, he hibernated up on a mountainside in the middle of nowhere. My ideas of that are also in full gear forward.

More recently my interests have drifted towards something in warmer climes where I would not have to deal with winter. Believe me, hanging your butt Or willie out at -40C is not a heart-warming experience. I have done my fair share of living in the woods in Winter .... and although a wonderful experience, I'm past that and would not wish to build on that experience any further.

I like being alone. I enjoy my alone time tremendously. The thought of being off the grid and doing this reduce my needs to the basics is a building thought. Many thanks to getting this thread started and all the contributions .... i think this could be a very cool discussion....Walking On!!~~


Well-Known Member
and the fact that 70% +/- of GDP (at least in the states) is consumer spending .... bingo !!


New Member
Yepper, it's just like electric cars... the govt. is all for them...unless everyone actually goes out and gets one...:wink:


Well-Known Member
we humans are so fukd up we don't know which way to turn ..... nature might be brutal at times .... but its a wonderful dance in every respect. Even when it is being hammered by us 24-7.


Well-Known Member
a good story ... and I like NC and though a little slow at times ..... it was rather riveting for me. Good luck.