Getting my hands dirty


What's good RIU!

So I figure to finally time to get into the soil and start my first grow. Ive been doing my reasearch and im still learning, so all you guys are welcome to give some advice on how Im doing or not doing (Ill be putting up pics to keep you guys posted). I went with the Blue Mystic strain and I'm only doing 3 plants just to keep it simple for my first run. I have the plants in a grow box about 4'x2'x4'with a small fan to circulate the air. My lights are two 50 watt CFL's that produce about 3000 lumens (I know a little low I might upgrade later into the grow). Im using FFOF as my soil with Big Grow nutrients and 3 gallon smartpots for my plants. So not all that big of a grow just more for learning (and a little herb) so let me know how Im doing.



Well-Known Member
Awww They be so CUTE!!!!!
I love baby plants.

I just heard a loud bang... sorry speaking my mind.. or typing.

But they look really good man! keep it up!
and I would recommend more lights for when they get bigger they are set for a good 3-4 weeks
with the 3000 lumens.
but either more CLFs or a HID when they are getting big. and with HID youll get better danker buds :D


Its been about 2 week since they have been in soil, they are all looking pretty good, two of plants seem like they might be having some trouble though. Check them out and tell me if I'm going in the right direction.

One of the plants lower leaves are a little bit yellow and curling and the other plant is drooping a little. (sorry pics aren't all the great crappy camera)

