Getting HUGE Yields per plant


Active Member
I am running 6 plants with 1000 W lamp.
My room is a 10x8 Room.
I want to yield as much as I can from this grow as this will be my 2nd and last grow (Sadly, old lady doesn't support me growing)
Now from my understanding from intense research here on RIU I have concluded that the most important factors in deciding yield are
NUTES, C02 Levels, FIM/Topping/Strain choice/Environment. IS there anything else I'm missing?
Please experienced and high yielding growers comment! I know a lot of us are DYING to know your techniques and how you're able to get such a huge yield. Also, can you guys point out some good threads I can check out relevant to my question? ..Interested in everyones answer.. Thank you for your time for those who choose to respond.
Happy growing everyone!!!


Active Member
Excuse me for not being specific. I am growing Hydro in a EBB & Gro system.
I am looking to yield at least 4 oz a plant, which I can't seem to get close too. My last grow yielded about a oz and a half from each plant. (in soil)
I have seen growers here yield 8 oz+ per plant. I wish I knew how to yield that much but I don't so realistically I am aiming for 4 oz per plant. (but will take any advice to yield much more) I want this grow to last me at least a year or until I decide to leave my old lady lol .


Well-Known Member
Excuse me for not being specific. I am growing Hydro in a EBB & Gro system.
I am looking to yield at least 4 oz a plant, which I can't seem to get close too. My last grow yielded about a oz and a half from each plant. (in soil)
I have seen growers here yield 8 oz+ per plant. I wish I knew how to yield that much but I don't so realistically I am aiming for 4 oz per plant. (but will take any advice to yield much more) I want this grow to last me at least a year or until I decide to leave my old lady lol .
u meed a grip more light for that kind of area. i would be rockin 4 600s. give u some big dense nugs my friend. im rocking a 1000 in an xxl hood just for my 6x4 space.


Active Member
u meed a grip more light for that kind of area. i would be rockin 4 600s. give u some big dense nugs my friend. im rocking a 1000 in an xxl hood just for my 6x4 space.

Thats the size of my room but I have the plants in the dead center of the room with the light directly above them. As they grow I will spread them out and provide more lighting.


Well-Known Member
Thats the size of my room but I have the plants in the dead center of the room with the light directly above them. As they grow I will spread them out and provide more lighting.

ur hood has to be able to handle the light footprint. a 1000 watt with just a standard sized aircooled hood will only light a 4x4 space properly. an xxl hood will light a 6x6 properly. the farther ur plants are from the light the more airy ur bud will be.

as for topping and fiming. its all strain dependent. some handle well with being topped. others not so much. have u looked into LSTing? low stress training.


Active Member
ur hood has to be able to handle the light footprint. a 1000 watt with just a standard sized aircooled hood will only light a 4x4 space properly. an xxl hood will light a 6x6 properly. the farther ur plants are from the light the more airy ur bud will be.

as for topping and fiming. its all strain dependent. some handle well with being topped. others not so much. have u looked into LSTing? low stress training.
Yes I have, I actually have implemented some of it in this grow. I was however primarily looking to take advantage of my open vertical space. What can I do to take advantage of this? and for FIMing do I want to only cut the tips of new growth towards the top or can I do this throughout the whole plant?


Well-Known Member
To max your light and your space. I would say take your bulb out of the hood and go vert. Save you money on other lighting if this is your so called last grow. Place your 6 plants around it and turn plants 45 degrees every day. Top a few times and veg till about 24 inch tall. You could get a good yield out of 6 plants this way. 3-4 oz each is doable.


Well-Known Member
aha scrogg the fuck out of a few plants on a screen with a verticle light if ur bulb can handle being hung verticle. check out scrog videos on u tube. and check out a guy named jigfresh in the search. he has some cool shit u can get ideas from too. if u plan on going tall. u should trim away all the undergrowth that really isnt going to turn into much. it will just take away from the tops. how big r ur plants? can we get a few pics to get an idea of what ur working with. the area too if u can? we would be able to give better ideas. remember pictures are worth a 1000 words.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain boss.I'm in a 4x4 with a 1000watt ebb&flow table.been running her for 2 years now.everything they are saying is true. Top the hell out of her keep the light low.good food co2 and a good breed you should pull a nice number far as the old lady sell a little and give her the money to go shopping she will be OK LOL good luck.


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain boss.I'm in a 4x4 with a 1000watt ebb&flow table.been running her for 2 years now.everything they are saying is true. Top the hell out of her keep the light low.good food co2 and a good breed you should pull a nice number far as the old lady
sell a little and give her the money to go shopping she will be OK LOL good luck
yes and in time she will be kicking your ass if u dont grow.