getting higher..


Well-Known Member
my thoughts on takin a hit of whatever kind of device you choose, is that it doesn't really matter how long you hold it in for. It is absorbed in your lungs either way you hold it for a min or just a few seconds.. anyone else think this?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Do you absorb more the longer you hold the toke in?:mrgreen::peace:

my thoughts on takin a hit of whatever kind of device you choose, is that it doesn't really matter how long you hold it in for. It is absorbed in your lungs either way you hold it for a min or just a few seconds.. anyone else think this?


Active Member
I heard that, i think it was 80% of the THC is absorbed in the first couple of seconds of you breathing it in, and any more than that and you are just increasing the absorbtion of the chemicals you dont want.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
That makes more sense to me, you keep in the bad chemicals too. :mrgreen:

I heard that, i think it was 80% of the THC is absorbed in the first couple of seconds of you breathing it in, and any more than that and you are just increasing the absorbtion of the chemicals you dont want.


Active Member
by holding your breath your heart rate increases, meaning that thc is gono travel round alot faster, assuming that thc doesn't effect you as fast as something like nicotine, which is like a few seconds.


Well-Known Member
my thoughts on takin a hit of whatever kind of device you choose, is that it doesn't really matter how long you hold it in for. It is absorbed in your lungs either way you hold it for a min or just a few seconds.. anyone else think this?
I do, you need to inhale and exhale in a normal healthy fashion.

The only time I make an exception is in a group where you know you are mabey going to only get one hit.. then I keep it in till it dissapears.


Well-Known Member
The longer you hold the smoke in the more thc will get absorbed into your bloodstream. Ghost every hit too get the best high you can!


Well-Known Member
Weed already increases your heart rate. It is pointless to hold a hit for any more then 5 seconds. That is when 90% of the THC is absorbed.


Well-Known Member
there CAN not be a set time for absorption of thc into the lungs. Every person on earth even twins are different, if it takes you 15 secs too absorb 100% of the THC it may take me or someone else 60 Secs,


Well-Known Member
Find me one piece of information that backs that up. Not hearsay.

Do you smoke out of a vaporizer?


Well-Known Member
Just look at how your lungs work. The inside surface absorbs things like oxygen and THC usuing almost tenticle like things (but very small). In order for the THC to be absorbed at must some in contact with the walls of the lungs. It would be logical that if you took a hit and breathed it right back out that there would be some THC that just is floating in the air in the middle of your lungs and never goes near the surface. Also, you don't absorb nearly all of the oxygen in a breath of air, so it would make sense that simply taking a normal breath of smoke would not get all of the THC out either. But none of this is scientific, it's just logic.


Well-Known Member
Just say know website said:
So basically, to get your money’s worth, the idea is to fill as many alveoli as possibly with smoke by taking the smoke as deep into the lungs as one can. However, the actual transaction of cannabinoids (the pharmacologically active chemicals in pot) going from the alveoli to the capillaries happens very quickly. All that happens when you hold the smoke in for a long time is that it gives the irritants in the smoke a longer time to irritate your lungs. It’s pretty well established that regular pot-smoking increases one’s risk of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung illnesses (although apparently NOT cancer, as several major studies have shown, which I’ll discuss in a future article). So, to decrease your chance of developing any of these illnesses (chronic bronchitis, while nowhere near as bad as lung cancer, still sucks ass… let me tell you) you want to get the irritants out of your lungs as soon as the cannabinoids have been absorbed into the bloodstream. And this happens in a matter of a couple seconds.
You were saying?