Getting high before work

I would say, it depends on the person and what strain are they smoking. I have been smoking for the past 5 years non-stop. I'm self medicating to make 'Sciattica Pain' more tolerable. I used to work back in 2008 as Car Salesman and I simply couldn't sell a CAR stoned. Just simply because everytime I'm high, I get too 'Peaceful' and everytime a customer start arguing and negotiating price, my comission went out the window. Sober on the other hand :lol:.

Now I work on my own as invest trader (I never do trades, HIGH is BIG NO, NO) but I'd analize information while I'm pretty bake. For some reason help me see what I'm missing sober ... LMAO.

However; that goes attached to the strain you smoke. Because there some strains outthere that makes me feel I'm in TURBO, FOCUS MODE and then some strains that just make me look 'STUPID' if I try to reason with other persons.

Just be careful and don't lie to yourself. If you cannot handle working stoned, medicated, high, etc ... simply don't do it at work.


Well-Known Member
im high right now chillin at my desk... happy monday to everyone.. it would be a shitty one if i wasnt high


Well-Known Member
wakey wakey lets get baking.... mmmm platinum and wax breakfast... lol whats up fumble


Well-Known Member
Hey there SF...just getting ready to REALLY the kitchen lol How about you? Been doing well I hope?


Well-Known Member
ya work work work... iv got about a million things to do lol... adn they cann all wait untill after my lunchjoint

wacha bakin??
u taking short orders only.... or tall ones too??


Well-Known Member
I've found it depends on the job. Even in the same jobs, sometimes it's appropriate and others not. I worked with a mate for a while (and was travelling into work with him) who used to like a smoke first thing in the journey and I found it really hard. After a week i would say no. His job was simpler than mine though. In my case, it was in the morning when I had to be most organised and get my shit together to get out of the yard for the day. I would end up going back for everything I forgot!
However, I often planned my day so I had my most monotonous, tedious job straight after lunch for a couple of hours, would get set up for that job before lunch then just crack on when I got back with an mp3 player on my ears..


Well-Known Member
damn, i work in health informatics SaaS sales...

i work with some very conservative folks and there is no way i could smoke a spicy sativa and go in there....i could totally smoke a knockout indica and zone in the afternoon, i wouldnt do it though...i am a quota bearing salesperson and this is my lively hood. it allows me to live a VERY comfortable life...i cannot jeopardize that

in college i moved furniture one year, i DEF got stoned...another job in college i worked in the basement of the medical school library. i DEF got baked before work and surfed the net. i would put journals back on the shelf while listening to an was awesome. i miss the simple days sometimes.


Well-Known Member
before i retired. i never got high before work.
now that i'm retired. i stay high all the time...lolbongsmilie
like others have said, it depends on the job. i had worked in kitchens for years and i would enjoy taking a hit or two in the morning after i got out of the shower and would head to work with my coffee and be in a better mood for the most part. while at work i would burn a decent amount, but usually because someone offered it as oppossed to me needing or wanting to smoke, hard to turn down an offer. restaurants are notorious for drug use so its kinda hard to avoid. i've been doing lots of landscaping lately, and the work is extremely physically demanding so smoking in the morning, regardless of strain, is a big no-no as it will cause me to drag ass bigtime. on days when its really hot, i might take a puff or two on my lunch break as it does wonders for the headaches i sometimes get just from being out in the hot sun all day. i think that there is a big difference between having a toke or being extremely stoned, although nothing wrong with either one as long as you are able to preform your job and other peoples safety isn't dependent on you!


Well-Known Member
glad to know we have some people who can function in society while high.


i smoke quite often. mattering on the situation/job/etc. matters what and if i smoke but ive done a little bit of everything while stoned including the times ive went over to my dads house and helped him clear all the logs from the trees he cut down. he's not a fan of marijuana use (he wanted to grow up to be a LEO!) but he'd be shocked if he found out he was holding those stumps down while im operating that chainsaw within a half foot from his hand!

idk why people think being stoned = loser/lazy/underachiever, etc.

right now im working my way through college and i take all my exams while high. i read my textbooks while high...i write all my papers while high and my gpa is high enough that i qualify to graduate with honors if i keep going at the current pace ive set for myself.


Well-Known Member
All I know is...there were a LOT of people who would have gotten a coffee pot up side the head if I were not high while serving their ass lol. There are some down right rude mofos out there, making it a requirement to smoke out before work. Couldn't do it on edibles though, that is just too much ;) least mine are


Well-Known Member
I used to be a delivery driver smoking on any delivery I had that went more than a mile away from the store. I guess something about that worked because now I'm the manager smoking as much as I can before I go in since I don't get to leave.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I ususally wait until mid afternoon when my internet weed talk show starts. I seem to enyoy it more when deprive myself when I can't stand it anymore. Of course weedends it's nice to blaze, go to breakfast, and hit slots, poker machines, and holdem table.


Well-Known Member
hmmm...I'm a woman - a woman's work is never done - therefore I smoke while working lololol


got called to do a random last time enjoyed Was about to bake right now getting ready for work besides drinking water what else can I do gotta be at work at 10


Well-Known Member
It all depended on the job, Construction = Smoked all day, Baker = Smoked all day, Army (aircraft structural Mech= smoked after work and weekends, Law firm = smoked all day, Last 20 years systems/network administrator = Smoke after work and all weekend, now when I am remoting in from home when they call after hours a total different story.