Getting Evicted Need HELP!


Active Member
Damn that really is a bummer man.. well the pirate dude is right, one of my really good buddies rents a few houses and he was looking for an excuse to throw one of his tenants out.. i mean the renter was a real piece of work but anyways, it still took him 60 days to officially have the police get em out.. so bargain with your landlord (he's prolly aware that it could take him a while) so just push him back a month.. tell em you're waiting on another place or something.. now while i agree that you shouldn't be worrying about your plants at a time like this.. i've had a friend or two in similar situations that bailed themselves out by using their tree 'money'.. so i'm not against it.. if you seriously need to speed up the process.. shooting powder from "house and garden" works really well for hydro's.. other than that.. put em complete dark for 3 days before you cut em and they'll shock out all their nutes.. sorry again man and good luck i hope it works out..


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your eviction. As a current landlord of a handful of places, I sympathize with the landlord more than you. Landlords have no rights. Renters assume we're rich; in reality, I'm on the brink of bankruptcy due to people (like you) that don't pay rent and free load. Take ownership, move out now, leave the place in good shape and keep some pride.

That being said, I can appreciate your situation. I would first worry about your roomate ratting you out to the police. If you're confident that isn't the case, and you're in the states, you have the following process:

---3 day notice. If you received this (which I assume you have), try to pay some rent ($25) If the landlord cashes this check, you're home free for another month. If he doesn't...
---You will get a court date delivered. If your landlord's smart he will pay extra to have the sheriff deliver it by hand. At any rate, if you haven't gotten a court date yet, do not pick up your mail. Do not let anyone pick up your mail. Tell your mailman "that person" i.e you moved. They must get good service to make you go to court. If you already opened the maill...
---Court date is set. Go to court and ask for a continuance. You can do this three times. This postpones the court date. The first time tell the judge you're having hard times with (Pick one or more: economy, job, getting your life on track, family, etc). Repeat this process until the judge tells you to piss off, then...
---You will have about one week from this time until the sheriff will set you out.

A good landlord will evict you in 40 days from the first notice to set-out date.

At any point, if the landlord accepts payment, your clock set back to 30 days of living for "free".

Yea, I've been through this a few times.