Getting close to finishing CFL grow, check out pictures


Well-Known Member
Enjoy some shots of my CFL grow. Only 3 plants were female, so if you want the full story the journal is in my signature. Otherwise, enjoy the pictures. All CFL, except 1 flouro tube in "veg" time.

Currently 6 1/2 weeks Flowering time.



Active Member
Very nice, Gidget! Love the 4-bulb contraption! I may have missed it browsing through your journal, but what are the dimensions of your grow space? Looks to be only a bit bigger than mine, but I'm having trouble keeping temps low enough with 8 bulbs! Again, great job!


Well-Known Member
My space is fairly small. think its 26 x 20 x 36 inches. I have 3 plants growing in the area with 13 CFL bulbs. Right hand side has 3-23w, 1-42w, 1-20w. Back wall lights 1-42w, 2-23w, 1-20w. Left wall 1-20w, 3-23w.

Rhinowreck, Blueberry, Rhinowreck (those are the strains, all bagseed)


Active Member
Thanks! My grow space is very close to yours. 36" h x 31" w x 16" d. What do you use for ventilation? And what are your temps? Sorry, haha! Now I'm wondering if I should get another thermometer 'cause my cabinet's in the high 80s after only 4-5 hours and I'm running 2 pc fans and a 8" desk fan right on the lights. I think some free moving air with light traps would help, but I'd welcome any suggestions! Thanks again and keep growin'!!!


Well-Known Member
yeaiv been using the schultz 10-15-10 too but im bumping it up to a 15-30-15, i see alot of ppl using molases might give it a try


Well-Known Member
My ventilation is a mixture of a 4" fan I run in there when I want to, and the fact that it is in no way "stealth" I just open it up and admire it all day long, so it keeps the temp well balanced. Right now it is 83 F, 40% humidity.

Dunno if that's "right" but that's what it is right now in my area. :blsmoke::mrgreen:


Active Member
Haha, yeah, I guess mid-70s to mid-80s with RH in the 40%-60% range is good, mine were just up around 88 only 5 hours in! But I opened the door right up and it was down to the low-80s right away so I'm just going to put a few 2.5" holes in the back of the box so there's always some fresh air drifting around. I hope to be able to show everyone here very soon!
Very nice stuff! I love CFLs honestly I have no reason to change over to anything else. My only problem is that I was sent a mixture of random seeds from a friend, but most came from hermies, so I keep having to deal with that crap! Does anyone know if hermie seeds can turn back to normal after a couple of generations?

Can't wait to see your harvest gidget!


Well-Known Member
I've harvested 2 of the 3 plants, the last one will be 11 weeks flowering on Tuesday. Still growing currently. Pictures available in my journal in my sig!