Getting big buds

Welcome to the world of "TEAMING WITH MICROBES"! It's a book that opened my eyes and enhanced my growing ability tenfold, check it out!

But to get right to it Ehan what is your access to nutrients like? MED STATE? GROW STORE, HARDWARE STORE?
Traditionally a brewed tea is a bubbled (actively aerated) tea but you can go as simple as bottled nutrient that you premix in a resevoir then feed, to top dressing your dry organic material (literally dumping a cup or 2 of bone meal at the base of the plant and watering it in). Bone meal doesn't brake down as quickly as liquid nutrient so it cannot be 100% immed avail to your plant.

Also to ambe yes sir that molasses will in fact help your situation but i strongly feel like any semi extreme yellowing in the leaves/ purpling in the stems needs to be treated with a foliar while still in veg/mid flower, by spraying at least the yellowing leaves you are instantly replenishing the plant through the stomata with N, instead of relying on root uptake alone. but it can be said also that just providing your plants molasses to stimulate the "micro herd" of beneficial bacteria and fungi is not enough and it could even slow or stunt the growth of a heavily deficient plant. a simple compost water will do the same thing (the same stuff you used for your mix ;) ) Simply add 1-2 cups compost to 1/gal of water and shake and let sit for a few hrs in the shade, strain and apply. if you have a "hot" compost it would be very wise to ph and ppm your foliar solution.
Alright I'm on a tight buget but I feel slow because it's so hard to comprehend first off lol I have no clue what composite is I kno it's in ppls back yards bascicly all I'm saying is all I know about it is it's a pile off leafs and shit or somthing like that lol I know it's hard to explain to newbies because I don't understand the mixtures thanks for clearing that up. I feel I'm retarted right now because your not the first person I asked and didn't really get it. I have molasses right now can I do anything today ? I have a local hydroponics store I just graded a ph meter it's only for soil but gotta start some where all my pots had a slight acidity to it I used miracle gro mostiure control it worked pretty good for cheap shit I used ozmocote time release for veg I grabbed some sea weed let it dry out for a couple days rinsed it off and waterd it in I tied them down a couple weeks into flowering ( I think it's when the top leafs become more together and stems stretch) please correct me if I'm wrong this is my first full grow. Is there a way I could just collect sea weed or any other out door materials for flower ferts then add this all into my water I water with ? Is this possible or if I where to buy it would i go by there directions or less because my plants haven't had any liquid ferts ? I'm going to upload pics of my ph reader I need to kno if I can water proof it ? Sorry for all the ?s your help is appreciated thank you
dude you're awesome, fucking gathering seaweed, badass! i will help you and answer any ?'s I am able to. also yes you can start using Blackstrap molasses at the rate of 1tsp/gal h20 today or next time you water. blackstrap simply denotes that is is "unrefined" molasses so it contains the very valuable micro nutrients essential for healthy soil life. and no even as a grower with organic and synthetic med gardens i do not use organic molasses. i get it by the 5gal bucket called feed grade meant to be used for livestock. FOR LIKE $25!!!!!!!
if you got use it! if you didn't you could even use brown sugar, turbinado sugar, as well as you guessed it refined white beet sugar. though molasses and turbinado sugar contain the most micro nutrients and are there for more beneficial than standard white sugar.
View attachment 2774831Do you think this will work since I have it lol

Thats what I use and it definitely has not "hurt" my plants. As for flowering nutes, I'm a beginner as you are and I decided that it seemed easier (just from what I read) to use liquid store bought flower nutes. Plus I really didn't have the time and place to mix up my own teas, composites, etc. Yes the liquid store bought nutes are probably going to be more expensive but I was trying to make things easy on myself, I'm disabled and have a hard time getting around. So far everything has been going much better than expected. I started off using way less than what was reccomended, mostly because of all the horror stories I read about- people burning their plants. Also some strains can take a lot of nutes and others can't. After awhile I noticed which plants were tolerant to the nutes and which weren't. I slowly increased the doses and I can now tell when they need/want to be fed. Remember I'm a rookie, just relating my experiences, hope it gave you a little insight.
eh... it's hard to distinguish without multiple photos but i def see female pistols, but what's got me a lil worried is that giant cusped-hands looking growth from that top right internode, suspectly resembling a ball sack. of course it could also be a lateral growth and spawn yet another pistol from its inner internode. if it goes full herm there will be no denying. also i tend to find herm plants will herm first at the oldest growth on the plant (the lowers), so maybe search out and photograph some lowers if it looks suspicious
I did . The growth below is still to small to tell when shud I be worried about him/her pollenating my other ladies it sucks cuz it's my biggest and I have it in the same tub with four other ladies ( I kno rookie mistake but I didn't have the funds ) if she does herm out what shud I do lol remove the pollen sacks or the hole plant
It's ok Ehan, it takes time from when one is able to identify a true herm before that plant starts to drop pollen. in fact in some of the shittier built large scale grow rooms I've worked 50-100 lights hanging and light leaks and too high temps and "growers" that can't follow feed charts (feeding 2000+ppm) I've seen some royal hermied out plants. if it show late in flower i've seen growers spray dutch masters "reverse" to try to salvage the room ie stop pollen from spreading/ seeding out the rooms. One can also use a h2o2 (hydrogen peroxide) foliar and that is known to "sterilize any pollen that is dropped. but do yourself a huge favor and research the diff between male stamen and female pistols and herms cause it can be quite obviuos right away or no telling until the last wk or two. not to mention many "more traditional" cannabis seed breeders like grow god SOMA, use a longer flowering cycle to intentionally stress the plant out into creating a self pollenating female so as not to use any chemicals for breeding.
numero uno mi amigo is DON"T RIP IT until you are CERTAIN it is herm, sorry friend but this waiting game is what growing is all about. keep it up!
Thanks garlictrain. Yeah it deff was I ripped IT lol down. this happened due to the fact I stressed her hard(rookie mistake). I'm saying this because I transplanted it into the ground. My father in law who has als had someone grow where I transplanted last year and he sed there was mold over there. I couldn't talk to the person that grew there so I took it out of the ground,moved it to a bin with four other plants,also I new that the stock was flimsy I still cropped and topped breaking a few branches here and there. So when I seem the pre flowers I tried to crop one last Time (rookie mistake). the main cola snapped not once but twice. I used a tooth pic and scotch tap to heal it. it worked perfect and grew back amazing. So I decided to do it Again it snapped in the exact same place. I did the same thing only this time I used duct tap. But also I can't knock cropping for this because it helped my plants bush out. Funny strain though beautiful big fat finger fan leafs,purple lines on every stem, and grew to be the biggest plant out of the bunch crazy after all the bullshit I put it through. I got a bunch of different looking plants out of the same oz. I'm going to get some ferts tomorrow.
good job for ur first grow, grow more next year! a lot more. plant 40 and keep the very best 20 or so and you will have all the lbs you can smoke . peace
Thanks man I will. Also my best friend has epilepsy smoking weed REDUCES his sizers. He's an awesome kid. I would just like to know the strain with the highest cannaboides I forget what there called. I've herd it will almost stop his sizers. I need the most help I can get because this kid actually needs it and I don't want him paying for it at all, let alone paying dispenceries prices so figure I throw a couple plants of this strain for him in my indoor grow. Also down the road I will be trying to breed two of those high in ccbs or cannaboides. You guys are wicked awesome agian thanks for helping me
The two biggest components for getting large outdoor plants with big yields are light and adequate soil. Stuff like molasses will surely help, but things like that aren't going to make a huge difference in yield in the end. I'd really consider transplanting those out of 5 gallon buckets into 10 gallon grow bags if you can. As long as you are careful, I don't see a problem in transplanting a flowering plant as long as it is EARLY in flower. By the looks of it, you have time if you do it soon. What is your nute regimen like? For the first 2-3 weeks of flowering, I use 50/50 veg and flower nutes. For example, if you use 2 tablespoons per gallon when you feed, use 1 tablespoon each for the first couple weeks, Other than that, sun, sun, sun. The more direct sunlight you can give them, the more buds.

BTW that was definitely a male flower in that one pic. Unless they get out of hand, I'd keep an eye on it an pluck them as they pop up. That isn't a good sign seeing males flowers this early.
One time i gathered seaweed shits nasty with little balls on it i was grossed out. I had to walk back up a trail to where i was parked this was in pismo well avila to be exact. Anyway i got used to it halfway up made great compost its slimy as fuck.
Thanks for the help sonar but I have to many plants and too little time to be plucking these things off I already have 13 females with 13 plants lets hope now others herm out