Getting a Divorce


Well-Known Member
Best way to get over a woman is to get over another....

Sorry, since we seem to be trying to cheer you up, thought I'd throw that in.

Hey, it appears you did not see it coming...that's what sucks....been there done that, got the t-shirt....but you WILL survive....


Well-Known Member
Yeah the more I think about it the more I realize that I just need to unfuck my life and get my head out of my ass. Trying to find a job, going to lose some weight probably not fuck any strippers, there just too expensive lol. I have been thinking about writing a journal been told thats supposed to help.

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
I spent an extra 5 years of a 13 year relationship trying to make things better................... sometimes, it's just better to move on as friends, and find someone who digs you. They're out there waiting on someone who digs them.
Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you've already got a DO IT...Kudos....don't rely on luck, use forward every time....

Sgt. Floyd

Well-Known Member
Better yourself. That way if things don't work out, you won't be the fat looser of the relationship.

You're dad is most definitely right.


Well-Known Member
oh man, that sucks, total bummer, and her timing was pretty shitty too, just when you were about to propose again..

it definitely feels really shitty now, let it feel shitty. but remember to be around people who will support you, your friends and family. and remember to stay active, trying to keep your mind off her..

I would recommend trying a brand new hobby, something you have never done before.. it will help you get your mind off things.

This is good advice from see4. Some of us have been in your shoes and let me say that if you don't find something to occupy your time you will just wallow in your misery. Take this as a learning experience to improve yourself and focus on doing things you have always wanted to try. The pain will subside in time. I'm sorry none of us have the answer to cure your situation, all I can say is I wish the best for you and with time you will get through it. Best of luck to you bud.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys not really looking for answers, or maybe I am. All I know is that if I get this house Im looking at were talking a real grow for once, none of this closet stuff. The house has a massive room underneath the house like 30 x 12 with a 6 foot ceiling. Def looking forward to being able to make a little extra money.


Active Member

Im sorry your going thru all this. I've never been married, but I was set on my ex and was close to asking her to marry me when she left me over a text on Thanksgiving:clap:

Writing helped me, it seemed on those nights where it took every ounce of strength to hold the tears back, a pen and paper always took the beating. I actually wrote poetry, which is weird because I dont read/like it much.

Thats what I wrote her, damn that was the roughest night. That same night after i sent her this I found out she was having sex with the guy she was with, that she only knew for 3 weeks.

Like everyone else said, its going to be a storm, you know that. Only the strong push thru it and come out better. I'm still trying to see the end, and I feel its gotten closer!

Best of luck to you man!:leaf:


Well-Known Member
sometimes i hate women. but then they spread there legs and i forget... damn.. feel for ya ak, hope your new grow will give you better lovin.


Been down that path, I know it sucks and so many changes worries rush through your head, but honestly it's probably because she found someone else. I know it can be hard to believe but odds are agaist you at this point. If she is dead set on no trying it's a another dude. I was so worried about breaking up my family that i lived unhappy for years, finally the straw broke and I soon found someone else and shook my head wtf was I doing for so long. You have no kids so makes it a he'll of a lot more easier, believe me. Hit the gym brother be your best friend for the next 6 months.


Well-Known Member
My kids chose to stay with me......both from same marriage...................but Ive been married 3 times and Im not the one to talk too............first two was major problems with mother n law..............last one she was just a bitch.....wanted the life style I have but after marriage wanted to chaqnge every thin and NAG NAG NAG I dumped girl friend is happy as it is....we arent going to get a piece of papper saying we love each other even more.........duh............she is in my will.......everything she needs is coverd just as if married......and I love her ............very much.........will it last??????? who the fuck knows.........just enjoy it while it does................and move on if it is to will have several loves in a lifetime


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
So, since I dont have a facebook but I need a place to just lay it all out, Im going to do it here. Wife asked me for a divorce on friday. Been a rough weekend looking for a house etc etc. We have no kids but we were 2 weeks from our 5 yr anniversary where I was going to ask her to marry me again so that we could have a real wedding. Been trying to keep my mind busy but since we still have to live together till at least the 5th its going to be hard. I have found a place and it has plenty of room to grow so I can get some extra income. Going to be moving in with my best friends. So here I am trying to write a mythology paper, crying and typing here instead. I feel bad because I was talking to her a bout an hour ago and still came on to her. Well I guess I just need to write this all down . I feel like I should have been a better person. I feel like there is still hope, should I hold out, should I keep trying. I feel like Im lost at sea and my compass just gave up. :sad::wall: I dont really feel anger yet, so please if you comment lets try not to call my wife a bitch yet.
and im picking fights with mine so i can move on...

oh and hows that saying go

the way over a woman is being over another woman..


Global Moderator
Staff member
Thanks guys not really looking for answers, or maybe I am. All I know is that if I get this house Im looking at were talking a real grow for once, none of this closet stuff. The house has a massive room underneath the house like 30 x 12 with a 6 foot ceiling. Def looking forward to being able to make a little extra money.
I know for me I just tried everything I could to make it work - don't believe I could live with myself if I did anything less.
Every situ is different - you'll know what's right after thinking about it for awhile.


Well-Known Member