Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013

Nice! Did you have to let the Fire Dept. know you were going to do a burn? Just wondering because of the fires that we get over the summers here.
Nice! Did you have to let the Fire Dept. know you were going to do a burn? Just wondering because of the fires that we get over the summers here.

no didn't tell anyone as we are 12 miles out in the bush away from anything and we got a water truck and a couple fire hoses here for any out of hand fires lol... june 1st is the cut off here for burning as i was told .
005.jpg004.jpg009.jpg007.jpggot some more containers today and transplanted the madd jacks and sea hash into them roots look good and aren't root bound or hindered at all lol...
magnificent shit my friend..just read the whole thread..sounds like you do some great great work..reps reps reps all the way..cant wait to have the experience that you have..wish my oldlady was a little more hands on too instead of always busting my live the dream man..peace and happy growing
Nice, nice, nice, is all I can say and you’re one lucky b*st*rd to be out in them there hills for the summer growing in the wide open.

I have looked at your analyses and I was curious what NPK ratios that it would convert over to? I don’t understand how to interpret the data off the lap analysis!!
Nice, nice, nice, is all I can say and you’re one lucky b*st*rd to be out in them there hills for the summer growing in the wide open.

I have looked at your analyses and I was curious what NPK ratios that it would convert over to? I don’t understand how to interpret the data off the lap analysis!!

me neither lol... i got a freind doing the convertion npk numbers will post when i get them
After doing a little research I came up with a few numbers, these numbers would be the ones printed on the label, not sure if they are right or not but here goes, N= 0.32, P=0.02, K=0.12. The actual available NPK in the product would be (numbers are %/volume based on your 1gal sample) N=0.32%, P=0.009%, K=0.10% All calculations are from second batch!!

Like I said M8 not sure if those numbers are right, waiting to hear what your friend says!! If I was to buy you product I would prefer the batch from the first analysis over the second batch because the NPK ratios are more similar or closely matched compared to the last batch which I feel would be better suited for vegetation growth and the latest batch would be better suited for early flowering.

I hope you plan on condensing or evaporating off some of the water so when it comes to shipping cost we can actually afford to buy and ship your product. hehe
013.jpghere's the ones we are keeping lol 014.jpg and these are ones for some freinds to play with hahaha got an extra few ... better than not enough.
nuggs -014.jpgthese are the stunbleweeds 008.jpg009.jpgthese are the money makers both are in only 10 grow bags due to being started late june and finished in late sept last season in maine


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thats totally amazing . I like the strains you have there. good luck with your grow. Nuggs

Howdy Nuggs.... Just curious if you are familiar with the White Grape strain?? I may have just been baked, but I think I remember someone saying you might know about growing some White Grape from seed...
you know I was responsible for bringing those to the table with hodge and I think JJ got some too. I still have seed for it although it's a few years now. I got a really bushy couple plants out of the bunch It Didn't do so well for me I must have gotten a different pheno so I never tried it again. But some that Hodge gave them to did pretty well encluding him. so if I haven't answered your question I'd be happy to try. Nuggs
Love the colors on those plants! Are you running some outdoors this year in cali? Which strains make up the large amount of seedlings you have growing? Sorry if you said this already lol
008.jpgthese are the poison warps and sea hash009.jpgthese are the madd jacks010.jpg these are the blue sea
011.jpgand these are the getaway strain

Love the colors on those plants! Are you running some outdoors this year in cali? Which strains make up the large amount of seedlings you have growing? Sorry if you said this already lol
Having been lurking this grow....I have to certainly have a shit-load of plants you ever lose track of where everything is?