Getawaymountain outdoor crop 2013


Well-Known Member
that's some great extract u make there bro! has all the good stuff the plants crave! when u need ur product tested, ill make a plot 100% jus for ur extract! me, I like to use different varieties each yr to see what works best for what situation. max sea and the fox farm lines seems to be mostly ideal in any conditions. but iv noticed when I lived in Humboldt we would throw a fish carcass and piece of seaweed in the bottom of our holes and the plants would be mosters by harvest. out of curiousity, does the salt water make the nutrients "harder" or does that get filtered out or something?
the extract is made from using good fresh water and we rinse the saltwater off first but it doesnt bother cause ya only use 2 tablespoons per gallon of water every 2 weeks or so makes a huge difference in mold resitance and root growth is crazy also keeps spider mites and aphids at bay with what little salt is there so its a good thing
this is the rundown on what it does001.jpg


Well-Known Member
and id say that load ur bringing here will make a good batch quantity wise. I would travel for some but im still trying to get my guerilla on its feet still. and do some mining which makes double the work for summer so im a busy man til late season it looks. unless I strike it rich with gold and I can jus settle back with my babies :) jus send a good amount and a bill.. um or bill first, which ever way the rock rolls.. and ill be sure to include a patch or two using it.


Well-Known Member
jus put loads of little remarks and awards stickers all over and ur good to go! and make urs super concentrated with out being able to burn any plants, and recommended dose for every watering should be 1/2 drop! lol went a lil over board.


Well-Known Member
haha , it is what the analisys says thats all . just did it for something to do while growing all winter inside with the bad weather and after reading other labels of seawed extracts and knowing that there is an unlimited supply right at my door step why not play around with it ?? its taken alot of batches to get the numbers where they are now ,but maybe it will be something to continue working with plants love it and seems to help alot and is cheap as shit to make


Well-Known Member
No way man you HAVE to top superthrives bottles XD
there isn't enough room on bottles to out do superthrive lol... and where 's the analisys on it ? lot of hype not much proof ?? on ingredients oh ya big ass price also label isn't going to sell anything for long,unless ya don 't want repeat customers- word of mouth is much more power to be .i.m.o.


Well-Known Member
344.jpg347.jpg351.jpg wow !!! what a view coming over the pass from south lake tahoe !! we finally got here and have dropped the seeds in water and will be starting the summer crop lol....again hahaha we really love the area here and can't wait to get in the hills . the thread is officially started for a getawaymountain / ca. grow everyone have a great season ..


Well-Known Member
002.jpg003.jpgthanks c.p. here we go, the seeds are in the bags for germination as of today lets get the show started lol.... well me and momma went on a walk to check out our spots and the doggies raised hell in the yurt and tore up the pillows so i quess now they feel at home again after 7 days on the road lol...


Well-Known Member
Awesome!!!! :)
it sure is !!! i love it here on the mountain lol.. i ordered a truckload of dirt today ,boy it is going to be weird to grow right in the yard !! i'l just have to get used to it hahaha pure ascophyllum nodosum seaweed we braught with us is brewing away also so game on !!!