Get your dog/cat high

I ask my dog if she wants to get high and she will bark and bite the air in front of me. I guess shes not real trusting like me because if anyone else ask her to get high she will try to bite. I tell people not to ask her to get high because shes 60lbs or better and growing, and getting hard to hold, lol
i think some cats/dogs definitely enjoy it and others hate it and want nothing to do with it. if they seem to enjoy it then i dont see an issue, however forcing them is not cool
I ask my dog if she wants to get high and she will bark and bite the air in front of me. I guess shes not real trusting like me because if anyone else ask her to get high she will try to bite. I tell people not to ask her to get high because shes 60lbs or better and growing, and getting hard to hold, lol

Ill say freckles wanna get high and he gets excited lol
I got 3 dogs, one of thems indoors mostly nd he enjoys it lol. He jus waits by my room door for me to get home, takes a few of hits nd lays down lol. The other two don't care for it, ones actually terrified of it( like she is everything else ) and the other used to smoke while blunts wit me nd now he's like 13 and doesn't want any
I always have a ferret, he loves it. He lives in my bedroom wit me, so he must always hav a contact goin on. wen yu hold him and blow a cloud in his face he pushes it closer to yu
I made the mistake of getting my cat super baked when I was younger. I put some low grade hash into his food dish (about 5 euros worth) and the next morning before school that poor guy was just seriously messed up. I felt terrible. When he tried to walk he would move like a chameleon doing that "I'm not a lizard, I'm just leaves in the wind" thing. So high that I had to hide him from my mother before I went to school (pretty easy actually, put him on top of the wardrobe because he definitely wasn't going anywhere.) I've never gotten any animal high since and I really frown upon doing it against an animals will or if they don't expect/know it's coming.
But having said that I know that some dogs and cats after a while will just learn to like the smell and will hang around and get high on the second hand smoke. That's cool. They'll even enjoy a good blow of smoke their way and won't move or try to avoid it, but you should never hotbox an animal or blow smoke in it's face or anything as an introduction to pot. It's gotta be pretty terrifying for them to feel the sudden change in their psyche and not know what caused it or what's happening or when it will end. If your pet is the type that likes to get high it will let you know and will follow you or even straight up bug you for a hit.
It's when people blow multiple hits at their animal when the animal has never been stoned before that it's cruelty and your animal doesn't like it. You have to slowly introduce them to it. Show them the product, get them used to the routine. If they don't come to you after that, they don't want to get high. Seen animals that love it and others that don't. My dog loves it, but I had a cat that didn't... Got keep dog away from plants, taken down big branches before come walking around the corner with it in her mouth half chewed up all wagging her tail, have to fight to get it away from her. Strongly suggest a vaporizer for pets instead of smoke, they prefer it, often you can train them so you cup your hand around their mouth and blow in their nose. Or 'simpson oil' is great for there overall health or pain or just about any health problem, mental health (separation anxiety) too.... Don't bogart and share with your pets! (if they want it)
I actually gave my 3 staffies some simpson oil, just for good health n all that n I wont do it again, the poor buggers were swaying, falling asleep whilst standing up n sliding down whatever they were leaning against. one of them went to stand up and her legs split sideways and she landed on her face the old girl...... they only had a tiny amount (matchhead or less) in a piece of ham so I didn't 'overdose' them and all are still here n healthy n happy. one of my boys likes green but hates the bong. the other 2 just dislike smoke in general..... N.B. to animal lovers getting their hair off at this thread..... ALL animals, including us, have an endocannibinoid system already built into us from birth... along with us, they're only getting something they should have and something they are designed to cope with....... edit... even tho mine didn't COPE to well, I took a capsule the same night and it smashed me for 2 days, I was still feeling the effects on the 3rd day so maybe oil made from trim would be better for animals. I used a few oz of just dry bud.
Haha mental thread! I had a mate I picked up off when I was in school.. he had a british blue cat called julian, don't know the inns and outs of how she was introduced.. but that cat would follow spliffs round the room and sit waiting for bong/lung hits or whatever!:) it lived for years!!

My cat Eral doesn't like it and will jump off ur lap or leave the room, rudy doesn't mind and she'l hang around as ever its horses for courses ey:D
My cat likes it when we're laying in bed and i poke out my dick from the sheets, like its a little bald bsby mouse, she attacks it and scratches it and chases it under the blanket to gnaw on it, its wuite painful but she loves it
You know I have had several dogs and they all absolutely loved getting high. Now when I smoke my saint comes up and litterally puts his head right up by mine if I am sitting down. I was always told not to blow it in their face cuz their nose is so sensitive and to blow it in their ear instead. I do and he loves it. No I do not speak dog but any pet owner who knows their pet can tell if there is discomfort or not. His audible sigh after the hit and the fact that he lays down contentedly is all the proof I need.

My last dog was a husky/wolf mix. He liked pot too. I gave it too him the same way via ear and his response was similar. This dog absolutely loved alcohol as well. I never gave any alcohol to him but I used to take him to parties with me and if someone set their beer or cup down he would go over and knock it over and drink it. I remember one time a friend had a hairy buffalo party and this little shit would eat the fruit and all.

Call it cruelty if you want I really don't give a hoot.

They say do unto others......

well, I'd like it if others would give me weed and beer.

and if you want to argue that dogs aren't human. My dog is more human than quite a few of the fucked up folk around here.
It would be soo cool if my dog would let me know she wants a puff :) .. Until then, I'll just assume I have no idea whether or not it's safe and fun for her.
link please.
ALL ANIMALS from sea squirts to gorillas have the endocannibinoid system in them so how could it be poison? its already in us, them and everything!!! it says about all animals... 0.50 [video=youtube_share;KH8RuQdaZWw][/video] scientists findings not mine.
I just think consenting or being aware of what will happen is key... how do we know how our pets feel if we intoxicate them.
I respect my pet and love her way to much to hurt her in any way.

If u don't feel this way u should not own a pet. Their not a toy for ur amusement or entertainment, their suppose to be a special friend, lets try being the same ;)
How is it amusement if ur smoking and ur dog will sit on ur lap...i blow it at his face he never tries to jump off he just tries to lick me when i blow smoke at him ...and if u can say wanna get high and ur dog jumps up to u they probably like it...the cat we have though hates smoke i tried blowing it in her direction once she left havent tried it again for her since
I have yet to see a dog or cat die from weed. But i have seen animals die from other common human negligence. Poor diet, not enough exercise due or being cooped up all day inside, left in cars and dying from heat stroke, owners beating their pets, etc etc.

I dont care if someone gives their dog weed, but I do care when the big dog next door sits inside an apartment all day, what a sad life for that dog.