Get rid of your air pump and make a waterfall with existing waterpump (6 site bucket)

You only gave half an answer, the electrolysis of sodium chloride doesnt produce just chlorine gas. If the solution is hot, it`ll also produce sodium chlorate (great weed killer) and if its cold, it`ll produce sodium hypochlorite (bleach) instead. The o2grow advertising doesnt mention what happens to Cu for some reason.

Those are excellent points you might ask their National Sales Manager (on the phone), (952) 474-5820.

How hot does the solution (res water) have to be to make sodium chlorate using electrolysis? Just wondering.

The promotional advertisement doesn’t mention anything that could be considered negative, but the advertisement and sales staff do hammer The # 1 “Bullet Point” home over and over when you talk with them – it does generate pure “100% pure O2.” And if you have low O2 problems, suffocating root balls and fungal infestation… that 1 single primary Bullet Point might get your attention if you are desperate, in crisis mode, could even get into your pocket book too if you thought you have a low oxygen problem in your res water.

Only very, very few hobby growers ever claim to ever low O2 problems. Water chiller salesmen often disagree with this.
I dont need to call a salesman ;)
The copper, (Cu), typically copper sulphate in the nutrient solution will be converted into oxygen and (insoluble) copper metal. Copper is less reactive than hydrogen so it gets preferential treatment, ie, it`ll be the1st to go. Note that most of the advertising revolves around "pure" water, they let the potential buyer wrongly assume a nutrient solution (an electrolyte) is the same.
I don't know about hydro but I quit using airstones on my aquarium a long time ago.

I grow house plants in water without any type of water or air movement at all.

Fact is water exchanges O2 just sitting. I posted a article on one time before. Ill see if I can dig it up.
Quick question, what's the easiest and best way that works to setup waterfalls in a single dwc bucket.
I have have just setup a clone in a bubble bucket and using soaker hose instead of airstones. But if waterfalls will work better I'm all for it.
Flowing water is always pure, that means it is oxygenated and cleared. When water doesnt flow you got marshes, rots, infected bugs and things like that. The same mechanisms that works for a huge area of the planet, works for our tiny buckets. I cant speak with numbers because i aint know the math types, so im not able to say in what speed you need the water to be moving, but the rule is water must flow to be clear.
Flowing water is always pure, that means it is oxygenated and cleared. When water doesnt flow you got marshes, rots, infected bugs and things like that. The same mechanisms that works for a huge area of the planet, works for our tiny buckets. I cant speak with numbers because i aint know the math types, so im not able to say in what speed you need the water to be moving, but the rule is water must flow to be clear.
Welcome to RIU, ponds have fountains for a reason other then looking cool. Threads 4 years old too.
Welcome to RIU, ponds have fountains for a reason other then looking cool. Threads 4 years old too.
Hola hermano
Just been searching about no air pump methods, coz im gonna run my first rdwc in coup of days and wondering why people use air pumps when the water is in constant flow
Hola hermano
Just been searching about no air pump methods, coz im gonna run my first rdwc in coup of days and wondering why people use air pumps when the water is in constant flow
Lots of good info, search away my man!
In 5g buckets my air stone seems to push the roots away from my bulkhead,I use water falls also to keep it moving.