Get Ready for Mass Retail Closings


Well-Known Member,^gspc,jwn,tif,zlc,jcp

Get Ready for Mass Retail Closings

Posted Feb 19, 2009 11:58am EST by Tech Ticker in Investing, Products and Trends, Recession
Related: sks, ^gspc, jwn, tif, zlc, jcp

About 220,000 stores may close this year in America, says our guest, retail consultant Howard Davidowitz of Davidowitz & Associates. As more Americans save and spend less, it's clear there's too much retail space. Just visit Web site and track retail's growing body count. And luxury retailers? They're on "life support," Davidowitz says.
Among the brandname stores Davidowitz says are in trouble:

  • Nordstrom
  • Neiman Marcus
  • Tiffany
  • Jeweler Zale Corp.
  • Saks
  • J.C. Penney
  • Sears
Plus, earlier we discussed:

Nothing you shouldn't have expected.
Then they might as well keep sending people to jail... that is just legalising it for the rich.
that's right last 10 yrs i paid $100 in fines . at 50 an ounce that would b about $3000 , don't legalize , decriminalize
Then they might as well keep sending people to jail... that is just legalising it for the rich.

The price would DROP substantially. I'm sure a bag that currently goes for 400/oz will go down ~300 (or less) and therefor would only cost ~350 after the tax, which would be cheaper. If You think the prices would remain the same after its legalized than Your not thinking.

Plus You'd be able to buy it at the stores. Imagine buying a pack of cigga weed?

Thats something worth living for!


I suppose things are relative to where one stays hey, a packet of cigs is about $2 here (the good stuff)... and the dankest hydro goes for $10 to $20 a gramme... (way out of my budget due to the volumes I need to consume).
But Ok I didn't know an oz sets you back $400, I guess let them start with a quater... at least you don't become a criminal because you planted a seed and watered it... and maybe smoked it.
Next year you can start complaining about the too high tax throwing dope demographics etc. at them... just like is done with any other insanely high tax.

I would insist that they airbrush my car into a mobile ciggaweed advert.. :P

I'm not buying weed ATM, I never really did to be honest with You. Its a long story but I didn't start smoking weed until I grew My own less than a year ago. I used to smoke in Jr high but quick for 8 years. Anyways ya, a bag of the best Herb will sell for 350-450 an oz. Depending on whos doing the buying and selling of course. Some people can afford to drop 400 an oz while most can't. Supply and demand brother, supply and demand.


if the US guvment was really serious about the war on drugs they would do like they have done with cigs and other things.legalize it..then tax it and then regulate it out of bussiness
I can see Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus closing, but the others just won't go under. Sears and JC Penny will merge with someone before they let their name go under. Saks and Tiffany are too successful, and Zales is a jewelry giant (i.e. they corner the diamond market with De Beers).

It all depends on where the economy is. If it continues to drop then eventually everything will shut down. Which seems like the case at the moment.
I've noticed a lot of smaller mall shops have closed. The malls are nearly half empty these days, which makes me think that the next step will be a round of mall property foreclosures.
If only the majority of americans knew how the monetary system works, everyone would riot because I don't think its possible to get out of this debt with the current system.

BRB I'll get a funny comic.



Sure we can get out from under that debt. Its easy see, we double the income tax for 20 years and run a balanced budget. Surely the Government can do that.
Sure we can get out from under that debt. Its easy see, we double the income tax for 20 years and run a balanced budget. Surely the Government can do that.

Love the humur! :lol:


A balanced budget? I don't think thats in the politicians vernacular, You might have to verse them on the subject.

How about We just print all sorts of money to bail out the banks so they can make more loans? It will be like blowing up more bubbles!

Pop pop, pop pop.

Ahhh...... I hope You can see the sarcasm.




I guess they should have bought the $40K house and the 15K car like I did, then they wouldn't have so much to worry about. Hard way to learn not to live beyond your means.