Germination- root clue to sex?


Well-Known Member
I can't remember where I read but someone posted the way a root comes out of the seed when it cracks tells you the sex- that if the root projects straight out, more likely a male and if it curls around the seed like a U or J it's more likely female.

Anyone heard or believe this?

This morning I planted a seed where the root came out perfectly straight out about 1/4" and I remembered what I had read. I remember last year having an inordinate number of females and remember the germ'd roots being curly. Well, hope this one ends up a girl but was just wondering if anyone had heard or believes the root shape tells sex.


Well-Known Member
no. roots respond to environmental stimuli, mostly gravity. there is no correlation, at least none that i've ever heard about.


Well-Known Member
sorry to bring up an old thread but i had heard something similar to this from a friend the other night. but he said that ist when the root comes out during germ. if its pointed then its fem. and if its kinda little more rounded on the end its male. he told me he has tried this theory and its true but im not sure if it is or not. anyone heard of this? i may have to test it next time i sprout seeds.