germination questions


Active Member
can somebody please give me step by step instructions of how to germinate? pictures if you have em, its cool if ya dont.


Well-Known Member
pre-germination is truly unnecessary, it is actually rather risky because the tender tap root is very easily damaged when planting it into the soil.

i planted my seeds straight into my seed starting soil and they poked through the soil in as little as 2 days.

but if you have your heart set on germinating your seeds before planting, there are two common methods. the paper towel method and the cup o' water method

cup o' water method- place your seeds in a glass of water and place the glass in a dark and warm location, once the small white tap root cracks through the seed plant it into the soil

paper towel method- wet a paper towel, fold in half, place the seeds on the paper towel then fold the paper towel over the seeds and place the towel in a warm and dark location. then plant into soil when tap root shows
Germination is something you need to know exactly how to do or you will kill all your plants. i have watched a step by step video @ growhousebuilders that explains in detail on how to germinate. worth 5 mins to watch. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I throw my seed in a cup of water for 24hours.... Some seed may crack and show a shoot.... Others wont crack

Step 2: then wet a cuple of napkins with the same water that was used to soak up seeds... Then I place my seeds on the wet napkin and fold it,... Next I wrap it around another wet napkin and then I place my wet napkins on a 12" dinner plate and the plate is set on a slope. In order to drain excess water...

Step3: check up on seeds make sure napkins are wet. Not soggy... The napkins should be moist enough to handle and not be soggy and tear all up... Keep checkin up on ur seeds till the root is about an inch long

Step 4: be very careful... Have ur soil rockwoolcubes. Cocco coir. Or what ever medium u choose... I use coco coir... With a pencil I make a hole on the surface deep enough to cover the seedling with atleast a 1/4 inch of cocco ontop.... In 2 to 3 days seedling will sprout...


Well-Known Member
Keep seeds on dark humid place... In top of the fridge is ideal but make sure that the napkin dont dry up... U can even make the seed a dark humid shelter by puttin the wet napkins in between 2 dinner plates... Make sure extra water on napkins can be drained