germination problem


Active Member
ok i using a germination kit with the dirt that grows and then add bacto. i used two seeds at first and nothing happened. Then i let three germinate in a paper towel and they popped overnight, i then added them to the germination kit things and nothing else has happed. i opened the first two to see whats the problem they seem to have turned brown and never sprouted why is this. I keep them constantly soaked is this not good?


Well-Known Member
How i germ my seeds is i put them on some damp cotton wool then wrap them in clean film place them in a dark place for a couple of days the plant them up when they have tap roots, both my seeds germanated this way. And had sprout within a couple of days after planting. Sorry never used a germination kit.


Well-Known Member
i use the paper towel way.haven't used a germ kit. but when u say "soaked" do u mean that? think needs to be consistantly moist not soaked.