Germination problem


Put 2 seeds in the papertowel method for germination, came back today and the towel was dry and one of the seeds has popped, am i screwed?


Well-Known Member
Maybe not. I guess you re-hydrated them ASAP ? What do you have the towel in ? I like to use a glass pyrex bowl with a lid to keep the moisture in. Good luck !!


Def rehydrated immediately. I just have the papertowel in a bowl with no lid, really hoping they survive bc they are big bud!


Well-Known Member
If you do not have a lid for the bowl, cover it with plastic wrap. If it won't stay tight, use a rubber band....


Well-Known Member
You're welcome.
Don't worry about suffocating them. Just keep them in a warm, but not hot place. If it turns out that they are OK be ready to transplant the into your medium of choice before the taproot gets too big.


Well they survived, put one in soil 2 days ago and it hasn't attempted to break ground yet, now i'm getting worried......


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear they survived. How deep did you plant it ? Keep it moist on top. If you don't see anything soon, you might take a toothpick and gently scrape the dirt back a little bit at a time to see what's going on. If you do, be careful.


First planted 2 inch, checked 2 days ago and they were growing, albeit very slow, gently moved them to just one inch under, i believe the first one is dying though, not looking good....


Well they are officially dead, afraid i baked them, i kept my light (4 bulb T5) about 5 inches off, too much heat?? I duno but it def sucks, live and learn


Well-Known Member
You did not bake them! T5's will not bake soil even 5 inches away. sounds to me like you let the soil dry out or perhaps you made it too wet I don't know you never posted pictures or any details

I just don't want you walking away thinking you baked them then your next grow keep the light 2 feet away and have stretching problems! It is fine to keep T5's even 1 inch away with no fear of baking soil. As long as the room temps are not blistering hot! Try again and keep the lights close 1-6 inches. It might help dry the soil faster but it def wont bake the soil. Make sure they don't dry out next time.