Germination methods


Active Member
Hi everyone. I just came into ownership of 25 seeds. I know about the paper towel method and I'm doing that for 3 seeds I don't expect to pop.
I have 3 other seeds germinating in 3 different mediums. I'm using peat moss, potting soil, and bark fibre. In each case, I filled a small planter about 3/4 full, sprayed down the medium, then put the seed in a hole about 1/4" deep and covered it after giving the seed a tiny spray in the hole.

I have all 3 mini planters in a tiny flower box, with top soil at the bottom. Well, here's 2 pics and my question is which method do you think will be successful or not?

Peat moss>Potting soil>Bark Fibre



Well-Known Member
all of them should work, all you need is moisture and a little heat to germinate. seems like more trouble than it is worth when the paper towel method is simple and works perfectly. good luck though.


Active Member
yeah paper towl method is easy and simple.
Ok, here's a development. There's still no signs from the seed in the peat moss, and the bark fibre seed never germinated.

I've included a picture of the potting soil seed as I saw it today.

I didn't uncover it myself, the hole in the middle was already there. Possibly from a continuous dripping of water built up on the plastic sheet I have covering the planters.

These 3 seeds were only for testing purposes, and so far the test has proved that not only is the paper towel method more reliable, but it's also much faster.

