Germination kit? are they worth the money?


Well-Known Member
Ive used it on 3 seeds, and all 3 were perfect sprouts. Im a newbie, so I am going to continue to use these as they obviously work. This way I dont screw anything up.

Main website for the product is
Get two paper towels, and some water. Much cheaper. Or just throw 'em into the dirt and keep the dirt moist. I think we all forget sometimes that they are just seeds, and will germinate just like any other seed, unless you are using old or pre-mature seeds.


yes i am fermilliar with the paper towel method thats what i have done in the past to germinate my seeds but i am looking for a more reliable way to germinate with a 100% germination rate


Well-Known Member
Yea, papertowel way works great, always has for me, but have had a few that just didnt germinate. If youve got the $10 to spend, its worth it.
Yeah as said, if you have the extra money and it makes you feel better why not. But don't do it because you think you have to or else your seeds just wont germinate.


Well-Known Member
The money spent on that germination kit would be better spent going towards ventilation, or high quality nutrients. The paper towel method is as good as any. Unfortunately there is no such a thing as a 100% germination rate, blame natural selection on that one.


Well-Known Member
just put them in 2 paper towels on a small plate wrap them in plastic wrap and throw them on the t.v.
always works


Well-Known Member
Just got to any hardware store and buy the peat moss nurserys i just germed 24 and got 19 or them sprouted in 2 days


Well-Known Member
Not far at all. Definitely not as deep as a finger. Your looking at 3millimetres deep. I used a tooth pick and made a very tiny hole. About twice as deep as the seed is thick (around 3mm). Dropped the seed in, used toothpick to push a little of the soil over it, covered the bowl I had them in, and put in a drawer.


New Member
those are a waiste. seeds will always germ. my seed took a week. i thought it might not work but it did. itsnot the way you germ. its weather or not the seed is even good! save your money and adress! order as little as possible to prevent weird activity with the post office.


Active Member
i bought from local store for 9 dolars, better than 1 seed not working witch costs 7 dollars.... also i wanna see how it affects growth

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if you scared of harming your seeds
germ them 1 at a time
but give them atlest 2 weeks to germ before haveing a hart attact. trust me it want take that long, but i have had it happen.

i put soil in a cup, then i put my seeds in, pushing them in with a pin so that they want flot when i water but if they do wait fore the water to settle then pussh them back under the skin of the soil, then i water and place in a window or on top of a tv of counter this works great.give it 5 days or untill your shure the soil is dry before you rewater. like i said try one at a time works 100% of the time its how mommynature does it