Germination in Rapid Rooter tray?


I started germination 4 days ago. First question is how much water in the tray? I filled the bottom tray up so that there is a quarter inch or so of water up the second tray slots. Rapid rooters all seem to stay sogging wet? Is this too much water? A few seeds have sprouted and are about 1 in to 1.5 in tall but still have shell on their top. Couple others are showing green round leaves but are barely sticking out of rooter or still in the hole. The rest of them have a taproot showing that's 1 or 2 mm long but nothing else. What should I do with these?

With the ones showing a bit when should I move them out of the dome and into soil? Once they break ground I should be using lights on them correct?


Well-Known Member
Rapid roofers shouldn't be left in that much water.. they act like a sponge and stay too wet..
Move the ones that popped under light immediately... Imo rapid rooters aren't that good for sprouting seeds..
The seed heads as I call em found an easy way up and didn't leave their shell on emergence..
The tap rooted ones may or may not find their way out.. they seem to get lost and wander until they expire..
The green ones are what you want.. usually on their way up.. I've done surgery to remove seed heads but as a last resort!
Spray them with water keep em moist sometimes you can shoot em off with a stream.. but give em time to do it on their own...hope this helps!


Ok. The ones showing the tap root have literally a 1 or 2 mm tap root.

For the green ones that are out do I move those out of the dome and into a solo cup with soil and lights now? Water and light as normal for them?


Well-Known Member
Ok. The ones showing the tap root have literally a 1 or 2 mm tap root.

For the green ones that are out do I move those out of the dome and into a solo cup with soil and lights now? Water and light as normal for them?
I would say yes move the green ones , but not to strong a light


Ok. Last night put them under my COB setup but dimmed it down and in solos with soil. Didn't seem to grow at all since last night. They seemed a bit droopy before I put them in the solos. Like they were getting too much water in the soggy Rapid rooters.

Still nervous on the others that haven't popped out. Took some water out of the rapid rooter tray. Will a seed open and show a few mm of taproot and then just die?


Well-Known Member
Ok. Last night put them under my COB setup but dimmed it down and in solos with soil. Didn't seem to grow at all since last night. They seemed a bit droopy before I put them in the solos. Like they were getting too much water in the soggy Rapid rooters.

Still nervous on the others that haven't popped out. Took some water out of the rapid rooter tray. Will a seed open and show a few mm of taproot and then just die?
Yes they will just curl up and die if they stay too wet. Next time just plant them in solos with seed starting soil. I use the rapid rooters for cloning and I love them for that. I soak them and then squeeze out the excess water before seating the clone. I keep a small amount of water with seaweed juice in the bottom of the tray.


Well-Known Member
I leave seedlings in the tray with rapid rooters until at least the 5th leaf set, usually 2-2.5 weeks after sprouting. I've found the moisture consistency of the rapid rooters right out of the bag to be about perfect. I try to replicate that same moisture every time i water. I'll also spray the trays clear lid with water to keep the moisture as high as possible without directly contacting the roots or cubes. the majority of the cubes might dryout every 2-3 days. I also keep the vents closed 100%. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Last night put them under my COB setup but dimmed it down and in solos with soil. Didn't seem to grow at all since last night. They seemed a bit droopy before I put them in the solos. Like they were getting too much water in the soggy Rapid rooters.

Still nervous on the others that haven't popped out. Took some water out of the rapid rooter tray. Will a seed open and show a few mm of taproot and then just die?
I'm using root riot cubes for the first time to pop seeds. And I'm not sure I should have tried it, are they similar to what you're using ,Idk. Mine are like compressed coconut husks or something, they're a lot fucking tuffer than I expected. So I tore mine open to make it easier for seedling to stand up. My biggest fear is that they hold to much water.
And yes seeds die for all kinds of reasons. I usually drown a few if I'm not really careful with my humidity dome.


Well-Known Member
Ok. Last night put them under my COB setup but dimmed it down and in solos with soil. Didn't seem to grow at all since last night. They seemed a bit droopy before I put them in the solos. Like they were getting too much water in the soggy Rapid rooters.

Still nervous on the others that haven't popped out. Took some water out of the rapid rooter tray. Will a seed open and show a few mm of taproot and then just die?
You may have to retrieve your sprouts from the rapid rooters.. they will die if they can't emerge..
Go slow and see what you can do.. good luck!!


Yes they will just curl up and die if they stay too wet. Next time just plant them in solos with seed starting soil. I use the rapid rooters for cloning and I love them for that. I soak them and then squeeze out the excess water before seating the clone. I keep a small amount of water with seaweed juice in the bottom of the tray.
So how can I tell they are dead? They have been in their since Monday so they are 4 days in.
I leave seedlings in the tray with rapid rooters until at least the 5th leaf set, usually 2-2.5 weeks after sprouting. I've found the moisture consistency of the rapid rooters right out of the bag to be about perfect. I try to replicate that same moisture every time i water. I'll also spray the trays clear lid with water to keep the moisture as high as possible without directly contacting the roots or cubes. the majority of the cubes might dryout every 2-3 days. I also keep the vents closed 100%. Hope this helps.
I guess I'm confused with how much water should be in the lower tray and how moist those cubes should stay.
You may have to retrieve your sprouts from the rapid rooters.. they will die if they can't emerge..
Go slow and see what you can do.. good luck!!
So your saying remove the opened seeds that have just barely germinated and stick them directly into soil? The taproot is barely out of the shell.


Well-Known Member
So how can I tell they are dead? They have been in their since Monday so they are 4 days in.

I guess I'm confused with how much water should be in the lower tray and how moist those cubes should stay.

So your saying remove the opened seeds that have just barely germinated and stick them directly into soil? The taproot is barely out of the shell.
Right now just give em another day or so.. the ones with the tap root showing and no visible top are the ones you may need to help out.....
once it shows a top put the whole rapid rooters and all in soil.. there is a difference between moist and wet!!


Well-Known Member
So how can I tell they are dead? They have been in their since Monday so they are 4 days in.

I guess I'm confused with how much water should be in the lower tray and how moist those cubes should stay.

So your saying remove the opened seeds that have just barely germinated and stick them directly into soil? The taproot is barely out of the shell.
Just watch this video it'll help you



Well-Known Member
There at no time should ever be water in the bottom of the tray, if there is its is way too wet. You need to use a sprayer to moisten the cubes when they dry out, literally like 3-4 sprays from a hand sprayed is usually enough per cube.


Shit. I watched a different video and they said fill the lower tray so that water comes up the upper tray 1/4 inch or so. This obviously made the rapid rooters wick up water and stay soggy. I am as you can tell the opposite of a green thumb.

I'm wondering if I should get some more seeds. Tried to germinate 16 and only 7 broke ground so far. Have 4 left that haven't been started.


Well-Known Member
Shit. I watched a different video and they said fill the lower tray so that water comes up the upper tray 1/4 inch or so. This obviously made the rapid rooters wick up water and stay soggy. I am as you can tell the opposite of a green thumb.

I'm wondering if I should get some more seeds. Tried to germinate 16 and only 7 broke ground so far. Have 4 left that haven't been started.
We all make mistakes... that's how I knew what was happening! @fabizpwn thanks for the vid..


So all the ones that sprouted already are 1 to 2 inches tall. Have their first set of leaves and are looking dark green and maybe just a smidgen droopy. They look pretty nice. I forgot to mention I am running autos. A bunch of the other seeds are looking like they are making progress now. They seem to have popped out some more taproot and look like they may break ground soon. I popped the little piece of rooter off the holes of a few to check progress.

I was reading some other threads and people are recommending putting autos right into their final pot from when they sprout. They also say you should hit them with full light right away. The more I read the more questions I have. Should I turn my COBs upto to full power? Any idea how far away I should keep them then?


Well-Known Member
So all the ones that sprouted already are 1 to 2 inches tall. Have their first set of leaves and are looking dark green and maybe just a smidgen droopy. They look pretty nice. I forgot to mention I am running autos. A bunch of the other seeds are looking like they are making progress now. They seem to have popped out some more taproot and look like they may break ground soon. I popped the little piece of rooter off the holes of a few to check progress.

I was reading some other threads and people are recommending putting autos right into their final pot from when they sprout. They also say you should hit them with full light right away. The more I read the more questions I have. Should I turn my COBs upto to full power? Any idea how far away I should keep them then?
You have to start slow and work up too full power or you'll burn em.... 16-20"


OK at least I got the light distance correct. I am running 18 on and 6 off, but just read a bunch of stuff saying run 24 hrs a day for autos.