germination help, please help


im running a 8 tube t5, rapid rooter tray and plugs, keeping the light 6 to 8 inches away from the dome. 2 seeds popped up and were nice and green i could even see a regular leaf begining to form. but today they look a shade of brown and a little shriveld. tepature in room is around 80. the plugs are drying out and i have been rewetting them,wat could be wrong. please help i dont wanna lose these doggy nuts seeds.


Well-Known Member
They dried up like you said...once they sprout...put the seedlings in your grow medium...Trays/domes/RR plugs are for cloning/starting seeds...You did that so plant once they pop up.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Well I'm a real lazy guy so I start my seedling in the cloning bin. I sprout them with paper towel or toilet paper folded on a plate with the seeds folded into it. Put some water on it, drain off the extra. I've used a large ziplock over the plate and stuff or even any plastic bag, to keep the toilet paper from drying out in case your not there to water it. Otherwise if ones available keep them in the cloning bin until they are sprouted. You can keep them in the bin after you have transfered them into their growing medium in the cloning bin also, if your pots not to big. I use rockwell cubes to start everything in.


Well-Known Member
Don't let the RRs dry out...Pot em when the bean sprouts...If you're using heat mat fold a towel and keep between the tray/mat so things aren't too hot.


bird thats how i started them and the all showed roots so i moved em into the tray now everythings goin wrong. bloodshot as soon as i see seed leafs put in dwc bucket? i use hydroten as my medium

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
You will have to pour some water through them until their roots devlope more. As a reference, I keep my moms in rock and all I do is dump a couple gallons of water through each one every two or three days. I have a trough that accomodates seven moms and the resevoir is below, with an air bubbler. That's like 14 gallons of water I pour through this rock medium and alls I get is beautiful green plants. I don't think your seedlings are getting enough moisture with this system. Concerning your system, I have never had a chance to try it but i've thought for a very long time that if a poly lid was place over the grow it would hold the humidity in like a cloning bin, until the roots are established.