Germination Heat


Well-Known Member
I'm germinating my seeds. I've heard of people germinating seeds on low over a stove, so I figured it would be cool to germ em on top of my my 1500W
space heater, on full. The water's hot to the touch, of course. I just wanna make sure; is that cool? (figuratively speaking >.>)


Well-Known Member
I would be careful with that. As long as it doesn't really go above 85-90 it should work fine. Just make sure it doesn't get too hot.


Well-Known Member
No, you're going to cook them.

Take them off the heater, but them in a drawer in the same room as that heater.

I got a 10 for 10 germination rate by wrapping them in 6 paper towels inside a Glad Tupperware container.... The container was opened once a day, and it was wrapped inside about 3 towels placed in a drawer. 9 popped in 24 hours, last one took 48.