
ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Okay well i'm germinating some seeds right now and I have been having some problems with it. Yeah I know its not that hard to germinate seeds and I have done it before without any problems but with the seeds I got now I don't know. I'm useing the wet towl method like I always do. For some reason I think the seed caseing is too hard or something.... I have been trying to crack the caseing with a needle so do anyone think it will work. I'm sure it will but I wanted to ask everyone if they think it will also.... Has anyone ever had to do this??????

Thanks for the help...
Peace and happy growing...



Mr I Can Do That For Half
scuffing and poking can lead to infection or bacteria growth. Try putting the seeds in a glass of water for 48 hours let them soak.If you have some super thrive add a little in thw water then move to the paper towel method in a cd jewel case then in a ziplock bag put in a dark drawer for 48-72 hours.Good luck


Well-Known Member
Does Superthrive work on seeds? I burned a pre veg once pretty bad from a spill with a diluted mix, and I've been terrified to use the stuff again. Seriously though, i it can work as a germinating hormone, please let me know.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Yes the seed casing can absorb it as it softens.Just keep it very diluted 1 maybe 2 drops in a glass full of water

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help but I think its too late to put them in water because I already cracked them open with pin....


Well-Known Member
Next time just sick them in a small match box with some fine sandpaper and shake it around, you only need a light scuffing to help germination. Superthrive CAN be used with germination, but it's powerful stuff and can make things worse. Use a bit of kelp extract (nitrozime, LiquidKarma etc.) and that will help germination a lot. Sometimes is just takes a while, give your seeds at least a week before giving up.

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Lol, don't plan on hearing that they survived, lol.

Yeah well just because you have never heard of it doesn't mean it doesn't work....

Now don't get me wrong when I say this but I didn't just stab the seeds with a needle... I took a needle and made the seeds crack open and then I put them back in the wet towl.... Out of ten seeds that I had I got about 6 of them with a tap root poking out now so yeah....

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah well I wouldn't have done it if I didn't know that the seeds weren't going to pop... If you got good seeds then I would never do it...


Well-Known Member
you should make a video on how you cracked open those little seeds with a pin. I myself and intrigued as my seeds won't crack for nothing