

Active Member
Alright I've been smoking for awhile now and getting sick and tired of prices and amounts of weed givin to me. So I bought a sack and asked for alot of seeds. I got about 25-40. So winter had just started and I was going to save them. But then I went over to a friends house and he had a bag. So I asked him for the seeds. He had about 4. I went home and separated the seeds from my other ones. I waited a week or two and just said "srew it" and decided to grow inside. I got a small yogurt cup to keep them in until they sprouted. I used dirt from outside (wich im not worried about bugs cause there was snow on the ground).Planted them by filling 3/4 of the cup up with dirt placing them in there and then filling the reast up and then I added water. And I stuck them in a plastic bag to keep the moustire in ( but I didnt seal it). I stuck this in a dark cabinet for 2 days. Then i stuck them in my closest today(by the way is day three) and turned on the light. But yeah. My Quiestion is how should i germinate them and how long will it take if you just stick them in dirt for them to sprout. Oh and should I seal the bag or not and should i have a light on???


Active Member
oh and how do I tell what kind of weed it is( cause we just call it kill or killer no matter what) do you clone???............and the earliest you can tell if its a male and if it is will it still produce as good as bud


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Welcome to RIU

You can put the bag over them and leave it unsealed with the zip lock on the bottom. That should act somewhat like a humidity dome. They could take up to a few weeks to break free given the proper conditions.