Germinating Techniques......


Well-Known Member
If you have seeds germinating in soil say in about 20 paper cups should you cover the top of the cups with something transparent to keep the moisture in or do seeds even need the fresh CO2? This bugs me.



Well-Known Member
Easiest way ive found to germinate is just put them in a glass of water they usually pop within 12-24 hours. All you need to do is keep those babies warm and in a dark place. thats all you have to worry about. I wouldnt bother to cover them.


Well-Known Member
you could put a piece of like saranwrap over em its to keep the humidity high until they poop up then it can be removed


Well-Known Member
get a bucket with a sealable lid and fill it half way up with moist soil. put ur seeds in moist paper towel and then put then in a tupperware container and seal it. bury the tupperware container into that bucket of soil, and seal the bucket. it' gets super humid and extremely warm in there..even inside the tupperware container

you'll have pops in like 3-4 hours no lie