Germinating - tap water in p-towel okay?


Well-Known Member
I just received my seeds today and started 6 of them in between soaked papertowel. I just soaked them with luke-warm tap-water.... is that okay? I just read on the below site (in section 11) that tap-water can 'kill' your seeds....? Should I be worried???



Well-Known Member
Okay - ya I haven't heard anyone else say anything about what exact water to use for soaking the germination medium (papertowel).

One other thing - one germination document I read mentioned using paper-towel specifically 'without' a print on it of any kind... is that because of the ink(s) in the print? The towel I used had a print on one side but I made sure to put the seeds between the backs of the sheets where there was not print...

.... wow, and I being paranoid or what..?


Well-Known Member
Every seed ive tried has worked in the paper towel method!
I used 2 plates and a bit of kitchen roll
5 kitchen towels underneth wet but not dripping and another 5 on top.
Used tap water everytime and had 100% germ rate!
i also pre soak in tap water.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the replies - as usual, this site is full of awesome growers willing to help out newbies such as myself!

My seeds were in soaked paper-towel for less than 2 days and 5/6 have germinated! Gonna start them in promix tonight - it's my first grow, so i'm really excited!


BubbIe Gum

Starting my germination now using this method. Has anything changed since 2009 or is this still a good way to go about it? :)