Germinating siskaberry x budha


Active Member
hey all,

im germinating seeds for my first grow in a mini cool cab. ya ya i kow expensive piece of furniture, i know, but its convenient and stealthy.

anyway, i followed the instructions from the grow faq and day 3 now and the paper towel in the plates was bone dry.

have i killed the seeds?

i did replace the dry p/towel with a new damp one.

any tips? mofo'n seeds cost me some coin!



Well-Known Member
Trust me this is how ya do it. Soak the seeds in a glass water for about 24 hours. Then just plant them. They will be up in a few days. Or ya could soak them in a paper towel and wonder how wet they should be and so on. Have the paper towel dry out. wonder if they are too warm or too cold and just be a pain in the ass and then when it finaly grows a root from the seed on the towel ya have to carefuly plant it with out killin it. Or ya could just soak and plant.


Well-Known Member
yea i hate seeds,, pain in the back side, but i leave em over night inw ater,PH'd of course, then put in soakin paper towel in glass wiht lil bit of water in, and in 2-3 days shud show tap root, then plants in soil, i dont liek scared of it i like soil best