Germinating seeds


So I put my seeds in a glass of water in a dark warm cupboard for 24hours they all sank to the bottom but no evidence of taproot so I've decided to put them into there pots of soil I'm using plagron light mix I've water each of them with 7ml of water to dampen the soil slightly will they still crack and sprout I'm worried ?


New Member
It'll be fine bro, just don't let them dry out. They'll have absolutely no problems popping out as long as they were viable. I don't even soak just direct planting and I don't see the need for any further hassle, works just fine every time.


Well-Known Member
Wanna know the best way to crack a bean?...fill a shot glass with water, put the bean in the water, it will float but don't touch it, if you do it will sink after a few hours and you don't want that contrary to what ur told.Now put it in a warm dark place for 48 hours....then you will see the bean on top of the water with the root :) if you think you want a longer root then just leave it one more day. No paper towel or bags an tricks and so on... now poor the bean in a root cube of your choice. I have almost 100% with this method and only if I had a bad bean like white or green does this not work,can't fix a bad bean.... hope this helps, sure will save you a little time.


Yea they'll b fine. I was tempted to germinate outside the medium but I was afraid of damaging the sensitive parts while attempting to move it to rockwool.


Easiest way to germinate is to just put the seed in the soil. That's it. Just keep it damp like KushKrew said. It always works for me and it saves having to do the glass of water and paper towel method. Keep it simple. Good luck


New Member
This is my setup right here. 100% germination rate

Dont buy into that place in water or papertowel method bullshit. YOu have a chance of hurting the taproot then your fucked


The plant that is sprouted is under a LED desklamp no heat produced so use this once they pop. The light in the back is a 26w CFl 6500K produced the right amount of heat and has not failed me!

Just take a mister bottle and keep the top of the soil wet and allow it to dry and re mist. Dont mist to heavy though just a light misting to get the soil wet


Well-Known Member
IMO it's always best to just drop it in the soil keep moist. less work since once it sprouts its in the dirt already.


I just fold a paper towel into quarters and put the seeds into the top flap, keep moist.

Works great! then drop the seed into rock wool or into a pot!