Germinating seeds


Active Member
Just looking for a bit of advise as i have had a few problems in the past......

i have now put the seeds on damp kitchen roll (tissue paper), in a dark warm place my question is once the seed cracks and the white root is showing i intend on putting the root facing down in a root riot block and then sticking under a light is this the right way to go about it...

any tips ect will be aprieciated



Well-Known Member
Yeah so far so good, just let the rootlet get some size first. When you see it out like a clams tongue wait one or two more days so its long. Then with tweezers so you don't touch the rootlet set it in carefully and have seed 2 seeds deep. So rootlet will be down and seed on top, one more seed on that seed would make it 2 seeds deep.
Careful on the lighting, not full strength keep it to the side until she gets out and starts to go.
Keep it lightly moisted not over or under. In one week from seeds showing a plant it will be 2"