Germinating seeds


Active Member
so i've been wondering whats the BEST way to germinate seeds? paper towel, cup of water, straight into soil. is there any other ways?


Active Member
paper towels work good get like 6 or so towels make sure u dont get them to wet than i put them in a dark box and set them behind a computer screen or somthing warm usually starts within 24 hrs.. Heres what the box i use looks like..:leaf:


Resident Kush

Well-Known Member

paper towels arent sterilized !!!

if you want to use this method ( not recomended )
use jiffy cloth for that method .. its sterilized ...

personally i use jiffy pellets ,,, soak in seeding solution .. plant 2-3 mm deep approx 80 degrees between 80 - 90 % humidity

no tap root damage, as cloth or paper towel will ensue ...


Well-Known Member
I tryed a couple of different one's and that would be my suggestion to you. Try a couple of methods with some bag seeds then find the one you like best. I like to soak in a glass of water for 3-6 hours but no more than 12 hours and then put in some Not very wet paper towels in a tuperware container on a seedling mat. takes 12 to 96 hours then I have sprouts usually. Good Luck KroniK


Active Member
I tryed a couple of different one's and that would be my suggestion to you. Try a couple of methods with some bag seeds then find the one you like best. I like to soak in a glass of water for 3-6 hours but no more than 12 hours and then put in some Not very wet paper towels in a tuperware container on a seedling mat. takes 12 to 96 hours then I have sprouts usually. Good Luck KroniK
I've tryed all these methods, i was just wondering if there was any other ways, or which has the best success rate. i've found they all work pretty much the same


Well-Known Member
I've tryed all these methods, i was just wondering if there was any other ways, or which has the best success rate. i've found they all work pretty much the same

Have you tried just putting them in soil? I have tried with zero success I am starting to think I have a black thumb of death. :wall:


Active Member
I just germintated seeds for the first time. Only 7 seeds from bagseed, did it with a paper towel in a plastic cup in a warm dark room, and I had 100% get nice looking tap roots. Put them all in Fox Farm soil and 48 hrs later all had popped up through the soil. So I would say go with the paper towel.


Active Member
From experience here is what I would do and am going to do when I get seeds. Boil a kettle to sterilize the water, when it has cooled fill a clean tea cup halfway, simply drop your seeds into the cup, find a warm, dark place, a kitchen cupboard will do fine and place the cup there. Keep checking them every 8-12 hours some may float and some may sink, the ones that sink are far more likely to sprout because they have already started to absorb the water and begin the germination process. Usually takes about 24-48 hrs for the seed to split and the shoot to emerge depending on the conditions. Good Luck!!!!


Well-Known Member
anyway that works best for you! i know a heated propergator works wounders, my spouts popped within 24hrs