Germinating seeds


Im using the napkin method to geminate my seeds because thats the easiest way for me,but its been a week and i still havent got any if them to break through so if there is anyone that can help please respond


Well-Known Member
Place paper towel inside a zip lock bag then put the bag in a warm place. I put mine on my modem. Dam near 100 percent germ rate within 2 or 3 days.


Well-Known Member
Where did you get them? Just curious. Anyway if they have not shown any signs of life at all. Could be one of three reasons. Dead seeds, very slow starters although after a whole week, maybe not. Lastly grower error. I would start some new ones.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how doing the paper towel method is easier than just planting directly. More steps does not make anything easier.

Damp paper towel or damp soil. Moisture and heat is what makes a seed germinate. Might as well just go straight to soil or whatever you're growing in.
Im using the napkin method to geminate my seeds because thats the easiest way for me,but its been a week and i still havent got any if them to break through so if there is anyone that can help please respond
I use Jiffy peat pellets. After soaking them and dropping a seed in I place them in a propagation dome on a heat mat. Works well for me, they are usually up within a week. Your seeds may be duds. I had some Northern Lights auto that I bought, only 3 out of 7 germinated. I complained to the supplier and they sent me another pack of 7, only got 1 to germinate this time. Won't be buying from them anymore.


Well-Known Member
I just put them straight into the medium (usually peat or 'jiffy' pellets). I sit them on top of my PS4 (or any other device that generates a little bit of warmth) and just keep an eye on them to make sure the pellets don't dry out and have like 90-95% success rate.

I used to do the paper towel way but it's a bunch more unnecessary steps, it dries out fast and personally I'm not too comfortable handling a newly sprouted taproot and manipulating it into a hole in the medium.


Well-Known Member
Autos directly into soil with the final pot. Photos just chunk those mfers into a glass with water and when you see them open having a lil taily tail put them into soil or rootrock , jiffy etc.