germinating seeds. whats the best method?


Well-Known Member
koo thanks alot man
your welcome, if you dont have any luck germing seeds you can always try carving off the layer of seed left by the casing, this can help out. if that doesnt work, gently try to pop it open like a sunflower seed, if the inside is just gooey and white the seed isnt viable.


Active Member
I ended up getting a jack n the box mini pancake container put a hole in it. and started the germination process with napkins n water


Well-Known Member
For years and years i used the paper towel method and had good germ rates but several times i had batches of beans that didnt germ. Ive since changed the way i germ beans and now after reading probably the best guide ive seen courtesy of mandala seeds i now just stick my beans straight into rockwool, ive had 40 outta 40 germ in the last two weeks. I'll be sticking to this method from now on, no more messing with paper towel for me.


Well-Known Member
i have used cup an water

straight to soil

paper towell

lately i have experimented wit a cd case- double triple fold a papermtowell -put in seed load wit water lay flat on my heat pad -next day i poroff excess water and stand case on edge -
lwave in case -gravitymakes tap go straight down -at about 1 1/2 inch seed splits - i take sprout put in 1/2 fill cup of starter soil -walla

the firs time i tried this i left cd case on its side sprout grew in circles around itself
i ralized i needed gravity to help me

what i like about this is the mistery underground thing is oliminated
can open see whaut seed is doing after afew day can try scarcificatin if needed an replace

this works all the methods i have tried worked but sum gave better percentages


Well-Known Member
I put my seeds in solo cups of moist soil or coco...and that seems to work better for me than the paper towel...I have broken off too many tiny roots in my


Well-Known Member
i dont like jiffy pellets, but then again there are probably good brands and bad brands. some just seems way too tough for the root to pass through with ease. i always put them in water for half a day or till half of them sink and then put in moist paper towels in a light proof box. if u can get them in temps of bout 15-20oC they will do even better. i wrapped my box in a cotton fabric and put on the radiator - wihtin about an hour 3 had popped, and 4 hours later they had all popped. a nice warm and humid and dark environment does wonders ! my friend does this method, then puts into rockwool cubes, but i just put the popped beans into soil and start a 125w cfl so that the 'sun' is ready for whenever they wanna get out of bed