Germinating Questions

Green Side

Active Member
I'm germinating my first seeds. I did it the way Widow Maker did it in his growing guide.(Put seeds in a moist paper towel and put the paper towel in a small cup with a small amount of water at the bottom). It's been one day since I've put them in there, and I checked on them today, and I see no roots whatsoever. Is there usually roots after the first 24 hours? Thanks =D

Also, I noticed that the water on the paper towel is cold...should I move it somewhere warmer?


Well-Known Member
sometimes it takes 2-4 days for the seed to crack open and start sprouting the tap root

Farmer Mark

Active Member
hey! I always and only root my seeds in that way. (PS: I've only grown 4 plants and rooted other 12 now) But anyway just keep waiting until a white thing sticks out from the seed. that is the main root which will dig into the soil and develop a rooting system.,the two leafes will come out from the seed after the rest has come out....erm---its difficult to explain with no pics... I would advise to use the forums search engine...I learnt all the stuff from here,, there are also good pictures in one of the posts!!

grow lots and smoke even more:joint: :peace: